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Everything posted by Dwayner

  1. Mr. Timothy's excellent essay was reminiscent of how I felt when I realized that they were not going to be producing a "Ghostbusters IV". Timothy.....sometimes it IS difficult to let go. But at least in my case, they released the first three on DVD! By the way, I enjoyed your handsome self-portrait. Give me a call if you need some comforting. - Steven
  2. Dude.....you had me in tears!
  3. Dwayner

    popes nose

    Leave pope alone.....he's twice as good looking as me. Exhibit A: "Hi! Gri-gri! Quick-draw! Take!" "Pick a card! You choose the red king, we go sport-climbing. I choose the black king, we go bouldering!!"
  4. Dwayner


    Cap'n James C....explorer of the Pacific. Giovanni B.......explorer, proto-archaeologist Sir Richard B.....intrepid explorer and scholar. Gaston R.....poetic writer and role-model for mountain guides. Dougal H......poet, bold alpinist. Dr. Yigael Y....archaeologist, leader. Dr. Thor H......explorer, scientist, writer, friend. Rabbi Richard R......teacher, philosopher, friend. Unfortunately, all are deceased.
  5. capt. caveman.....BIG WALL!!!!
  6. dur: shut your pie-hole....rurp ain't here. haven't seen him in months. join the chat room and spout big wall. - dwayner
  7. Big Wall chatroom meets now. snoboy, beck, etc....check in and talk big wall.
  8. The Birthday Boy! "And a hearty hello to you, too, Mr. Alpine!" 66 years old today? You do the math! "Tom Stoppard was born "Tom Straussler" in Zlin, Czechoslovakia on July 3, 1937. His family moved to Singapore in 1939 to escape the Nazis. Then, shortly before the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1941, young Tom fled to Darjeeling, India with his mother and brother. His father, however, Eugene Straussler, remained behind and was killed during the invasion. In 1946, the family emigrated to England after Tom's mother married Kenneth Stoppard, a major in the British army."
  9. We're celebrating quietly...as if it's any of your business!!!!
  10. Dwayner


    ChrisT....I absolve you. Go and tease no more.
  11. Dwayner


    Hey ChrisT...you ever hear that story of the guy who cried, "wolf"? Your impish prank just cost you some sparkling reparteé with Mighty King Dwayner.
  12. Here's your new girlfriend, Petey! Glad to see you're willing to relenquish some of your trendy liberal views for a pretty face! "Bon Jour, Monsieur Puget! Le réalité et toi, vous ne vous entendez pas, n'est-ce pas? Comme dessert, que me suggereriez-vous pour effacer le goût du plat de resistance de ma bouche? Ah, Monsieur Puget....Tu es mon chevre d'amour! J'arrive, espèce de nain rabougri!"
  13. ...
  14. Dwayner

    Plague of Gnomes

    This li'l fellow is particularly unappealing. If I found him in my garden, he'd be rolling down the driveway in short order; his quick forward motion initiated by my booted foot. Furthermore, I will not even speculate regarding that blue thing he appears to be holding. Is this something that he has stolen from my garden or is it one of his body parts??? Personally, I prefer leprechauns because (in theory) there is a handsome reward for their capture, although leprechauns are rarely handsome themselves. Watch out for them pixies, though....they may be cute, but they'll pee all over your lawn and ruin the grass! An example of pixie damage: - Dwayner, enjoying his six breakfast friends.
  15. Dwayner


    Went there....nobody home. How about announcing a specific time so that those who are interested my appear....kind of like a CC.COM ON-LINE PUBE CLUB. Like 11 PM or whatever, rather than, "marylou be bored....talk to me now!"
  16. I heard that the guy on the right is "the third tool". Is that what you left up at Camp Shurman? Did you tell the rangers?
  17. "Dwayner thinks I'm a troll....he say's I'm trolling you guys like this girl Amber who used to hang out here" "Like, I'm so sure! Whatever!" "You guys are like SO icky!" "My feelings are hurt. I'm going to write in my journal."
  18. H.C.-gazing Timmy.....could you do the same for sport-climbing and bouldering? thanks! - Dwayner P.S. quit lookin' over here....I's seen you gazing!
  19. Petey Puget.....this topic sort of seems like a cheap rip-off of my original "Alpine Buddy of the Week" concept, which lasted only a couple of weeks before being hijacked and turned to crap by the local smart-asses. If I recall, the effortlessly cool MattP was the first Alpine Buddy and he was awarded this rare honor due to his being effortlessly cool. Question: if our own accomplished MattP was Alpine Buddy of the Week at one time, why does this unknown character you present deserve a title such as "Climber of the Month"? Why for a month, and why the month of June? "Nonsense!", I say! I need answers! - Dwayner (And no, those beers aren't for you.....they're for me.)
  20. Enough of the girlie pictures for a while. I found some pictures of some of the handsome men of cc.com to provide a little eye-candy for the ladies: Matt P. and Petey Puget pope Dwayner: stoked to go climbing Dwayner: all cleaned up for a social event Figger 8
  21. Yah...what Rodchester said! It seems that the three things mentioned above served well for decades until the latest self-reliance-inhibiting toys became popular. And for thousands of years before us, the North American Indians effectively navigated the landscape on trails and cross-country by means of a wonderful knowledge of nature's signs (including good weather forecasting)....unfortunately, a nearly lost art. I like to tell my students that when I was a kid (not that long ago), I recall a time when there were no personal computers, no internet, no CD's, no video games, no GameBoys, no microwave ovens, no VCR's and color TV was a big deal. And with my parents, there was no TV and the family radio was the big attraction. HOW DID WE/THEY LIVE???????????
  22. Muffy say: "Today was a great day I finished two books, did laundry, baked oatmeal super chip cookies, went to the store, played with my kids, and now in about 30 minutes I am going climbing with my very best friend." Why that would be Dwayner! - Dwayner
  23. Hey you two! Quit poachin' on my lovely T.R. thread. Take your aggressive flirtation to another topic! - drunk 'ole Dwayner
  24. No, Hillary Clinton is The man, baby!!!
  25. In answer to your question.....it ain't "sport".
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