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Everything posted by Dwayner

  1. Hey dude....no special coding necessary...if you see the name, "Dwayner", just don't read the post! It's easy and a great way to shut out all of those ideas you don't agree with or don't want to deal with! Wouldn't want to spoil all your BIG FUN with those pesky ethics, would we? "America! What a country!"
  2. Mr. Erik says: "so instead of whining about all the shit you cant change in the world why dont you work on something you can! YOUR UNDERWEAR for starters!" Let's see how things are viewed twenty years or so from now. Dwayner predicts that your BIG FUN sport-climbing will be viewed with the kind of disgust that most people hold for the piton-bashing that took place prior to the clean-climbing [and somewhat failed] revolution of the early 1970's. Enjoy your FUN!
  3. I need a therapist???? Go back and read most of your own posts, dude! Unfortunately, there is significant overlap.
  4. Nope. Found it at Little Si next to a pile of soiled quick draws and Babywipes.
  5. Answer:
  6. Here's some more California candidates for ya! Bob Ross, master of the oil paints. Andre the Giant.....hey...it happened in Minnesota! Wait a minute...these guys be dead! No worries....someone will vote for them.
  7. Dwayner: always beating the dead horse. You and RUMR.....someday you will both "see the light". In the meantime, enjoy your sport-"climbing".
  8. Tire of this???? No. Does anyone listen to me????? You'd be surprised.....plenty.
  9. Hey classy guy....he's quoting Jesus: Matthew 7:3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Matthew 7:4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Luke 6:41 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Luke 6:42 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye. (Revised Standard Version)
  10. This man don’t sport the lycra, doesn’t clip the closely-spaced, permanently-defacing, all-metal feces, nor tote the hang-doggin’, project-spoutin’ attitude. Nope. He’s Gary Busey. “Suck the oyster up and always keep some on your face so they know you're proud of them.” "Bird season is over, butthorn. “Dwayner....rack the hexes, I’ll be right over!” Never, ever, ever confuse Mr. Busey with this fellow: (Mr. Nolte)
  11. Tomorrow be the annual bicycle endurance challenge: RAMROD....Ride Around Mountain Rainier (in) One Day. It's a tough bugger and is sponsored by the Redmond Cycling Club. As usual, look for Dwayner alongside the road doing CAMROD...."Croquet Around Mt. Rainier". He'll be the guy limping with the mallet on the road between Longmire and Paradise. And give his wicket-placer and sag-wagon driver, the world famous "Dennis Erectus", a shout-out when you see him in his lawn chair waiting for me to hit the next ball. And a good, successful event for all!
  12. actionandadventuregal!
  13. Pube-Club Dave wrote: "DO YOU KNOW THAT HE [idi Amin] WAS SUPPORTED BY THE ISREAL WITH OUR BACKING? David may be an expert at poor spelling and the over-enthusiastic early Monday morning calls for "pube-club", but he is no historian. Here's a little history about Idi Amin and "THE ISREAL": Israel and others developed a relationship with the new Uganda regime in 1971 but it was very short-lived. "After Amin's demands for large increases in military assistance were rebuffed by Israel and Britain, he expelled all Israeli advisers in 1972 and turned to the Arab Republic of Libya, which gave him immediate support. In doing so, Amin became the first black African leader to renounce ties with the Jewish state of Israel and side instead with Islamic nations in the Middle East conflict. Subsequently, Amin made a number of anti-Semitic declarations, including praising German dictator Adolf Hitler for killing Jewish people during World War II." (From: http://www.cbv.ns.ca/dictator/Amin.html) You may also recall the famous hijacking by terrorists of an Air France jet in 1976. They kept the Jewish passengers on-board and flew to Uganda where they were facilitated by Idi Amin. An amazing raid by Israeli commandos freed the hostages at the Entebbe airport. Three Israeli passengers were killed and an army officer: Yonatan Netanyahu, the older brother of former prime-minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The episode has been made into a good TV movie: "Raid on Entebbe", with Charles Bronson and other notables.
  14. Stimson stands out because our expectations for older folks are so low. Lots of guys his age could do it if they made the effort to stay in shape and go for it. There was a guy in his 80's in the Kona Ironman last year or the year before and an increasing number in their '70's. A good many Americans retire at 65, get out the chips and the remote control, and they're dead within five years. It takes motiviation and effort to stay mentally and physically fit no matter how old you are. (although admittedly, brittle bones and shot knees can be limiting). Freddy B. and Stim B.....fine examples!
  15. Dwayner has tried this stunt three times in the past. First time, made great progress until buddy's knee blew out....unwanted bivouac and nine mile stagger out to the road. Second time....more injuries, funny story, but not here. Third-time....ditched buddy and went alone...new special shoes caused serious blisters after about 20 miles...hiked to road in socks and hitch-hiked out. There was a guy a few years ago who did it all in under 24 hours I think and maybe over 30 years ago, Gary Frederickson?? did it in something like 36 hours including a few hours of sleep. Perhaps you might want to start by doing it in three days and work down to two or whatever. I started counter-clockwise from Longmire each time and I knew the trail from having backpacked the entire thing in the traditional approximately 10 days. I look forward to trying it again...maybe next year when I can walk again. I also recommend as a "warm-up", the Loowit Trail that circles Mt. St. Helens. I did this about a year ago starting at Windy Ridge on the north side. Including the approach, it was about 36 miles, at least 20 of which were brutal in one way or another. It took us about 14 hours with only about 45 minutes of breaks. Just carried camelbacks, ski poles, adventure racing shoes, and a couple of sandwiches and a couple of powerbars....lots of challenging terrain to catch your attention, slow you down and wear you out. Very dramatic scenery throughout. Good luck.
  16. Ditto for what Fairweather says: Mt. Peak (also called by some, Mt. Pete) is a great training hill. Dwayner runs it frequently and his buddy pope is up there several times a week. The main trail on the northside is steep but runnable (about 1.2 miles?) to the top. Lot's of folks carry heavy packs up for training. Some carry forty pounds of water and hit it hard with ski poles to the top and then empty the water out on top so they don't trash their knees on the downhill. There are other steep trails, one even going basically vertically up the side, plus a long private road on the south side. A loop around the base is six miles and it's possible to do a Mt. Pete half-marathon by combining a circumnavigation of the base with two ascents of the peak by different routes. That place rules! - Dwayner
  17. Maori's don't believe they're from Hawai'i. They refer to the ancestral homeland as "Hawaiki", the location and meaning of which has received a lot of scholarly attention. - Dwayner
  18. Scenes from Kitten's office today: Ain't a real lu'au without a pig in the conference room! Nice spread!!! The girls from the accounting department always put on a fine show! Keep them flames away from the copy machine, eh? Hi Steve! Kitten & the Boss: What better opportunity than Aloha Friday to finally meet that wacky character in the adjacent cubicle who's always throwing paper airplanes your way! O.K.! The conch has been sounded....everyone back to work!
  19. Dwayner


    Dwayner's First Experience poetically summarized by Jacque Brel: NEXT Naked as sin, an army towel Covering my belly Some of us blush, somehow Knees turning to jelly "Next, next". I was still just a kid There were a hundred like me I followed a naked body A naked body followed me "Next, next". I was still just a kid When my innocence was lost In a mobile army whorehouse Gift of the army, free of cost "Next, next". Me, I really would have liked A little touch of tenderness Maybe a word, a smile An hour of happiness But, "next, next". Oh, it wasn't so tragic The high heavens did not fall But how much of that time I hated being there at all "Next, next". Now I always will recall The brothel truck, the flying flags The queer lieutenant who slapped Our asses as if we were fags "Next, next". I swear on the wet head Of my first case of gonorrhea It is his ugly voice That I forever hear: "Next, next." And since then each woman I have taken to bed Seems to laugh in my arms To whisper through my head "Next, next." All the naked and the well-fed Should hold each other's hands As they watch me scream at night In a dream no one understands "Next, next". And when I am not screaming In a voice grown dry and hollow I stand on endless naked lines Of the following and the followed "Next, next". Anything, I'll do anything To get out of line to survive Not ever to be next Not ever to be next.
  20. Hey Laughing Funny-Guy...the Gibralter Route is always in. Hit it when it's cold, approach it when there is just enough light to make the traverse, wear a helmet, move quickly, and descend another route like the D.C. A big crevasse or two on the upper mountain might be the biggest obstacle later in the summer. Gib. Ledge used to be the standard route until a portion of it slid away decades ago. A short rappel or downclimb puts you back on route. Given that and some rockfall potential (plus its not recommended as a summer descent route) and the guides prefer another route. I've done it on a fine July day and its amazing. It's direct, has some variety and the scenery is spectacular. It's certainly not 100% safe, but no route on Rainier is. - Dwayner
  21. No one should have to tell you to put on a Hawaiian shirt on Friday....you should be doing it automatically. For those of you not in the know....every Friday is "Aloha Friday". You're supposed to wear your Hawaiian (aloha) shirt or dress to work to celebrate the end of the week. Here's a nice description from the "Aloha Friday" web-site: "It's Aloha Friday means a lot of different things. But one thing is for sure it means the weekend has begun and it is time to relax. In our busy lives, we need a means to get away. When It's Aloha Friday, it's time to make plans to make the most of the weekend. We can look forward to a variety of activities: eating out, shopping, fishing, surfing, sailing, skating, diving, soccer, making leis, dancing hula, learning to play the ukulele, visiting the zoo, watching a play or reading a book. It's knowing that you can do whatever you want because you have the weekend to look forward to. Who cares what the rest of the week was like... It is time to unwind, to decompress, to relieve stress! When at work, we will wear our favorite Aloha Shirt or Muumuu. Check it out in Downtown Honolulu. Just sit on the corner of King and Bishop Streets. Or, you could be waiting in line for a plate lunch at one of the lunch wagons parked at Kewalo basin. You'll know exactly what I mean. It's not just work day casual, it's time to bring out your best Hawaiian wear. "Thank God it's Friday" because "It's Aloha Friday, no Work 'til Monday." ALOHA FRIDAY
  22. Formaldehead or whatever says: "I always tell the Jesue Freaks that have the bad luck to knock on my door "You are a duck." They look at me like I have two heads, and I explain: "You're like a duck coming to my door and asking me if I want to be a duck too. There is no fucking way I will ever be a duck." Another tactic, often employed when my wife, full of pity for these fools, becomes involved in an actual conversation with these clods, is to blast Carnivore's "Jesus Hitler". Totally sweet.... "Jesus Hitler Adolf Christ" A few comments from Dwayner: How about being civilized and say "no thanks" and close the door. Blasting loud music at them makes YOU feel good and just reinforces their notion that you need their insights more than ever. Any "music", "poetry", or whatever that equates Jesus with Hitler is sad. You must have peace-loving, kind, wandering rabbi, Jesus confused with the idiotic antics of many of his "followers" through the ages. Pairs of Mormon missionaries come to my house from time to time. I don't abuse them...I tell them I'm familiar with their theology and I'm not interested, and I make them a sandwich and give them something to drink. (Poor buggers are on the road for up to 2 years away from home...I don't follow their message but I am compassionate toward their ordeal...plus my father's half of the family all turned Mormon...it ain't for me, but what the heck. Some of these guys come from far-flung parts of the US or even from outside the country. Guy from Tonga came by last year...neat to hear his impressions of the US, "missionary" life, etc.) Your job is to go to work and do this and that. Their job is to share their deeply held beliefs. "No thanks" and a closed door will usually do the trick. - Dwayner
  23. I was there, sitting next to Trask at the bar, where we were keeping the bartender busy and discussing whether or not to join in the mix. We decided not to......no, not this week...but the rest of you characters looked as if you were having fun.
  24. Back in the day, Gaper-T. would have been an early candidate for "Alpine Buddy of the Week", until that worthy concept was predictably hijacked by the smart-asses. Timmy loves Richard!
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