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Everything posted by wayne

  1. uh, Boston is terrifying without snow! Great report, thanks for the work.
  2. Same place as last year? That place is sweet.
  3. I dont know where you regularly climb, but climb a bunch at Index, then you will crush everywhere but there!
  4. I was looking for the skis on Solid Gold? Nice link mates
  5. archive
  6. LOL, at first I thought you were joking! I grabbed the content and posted it on my journal. Thanks G!
  7. the content shouldn't have disappeared though? It should be placed on a site somewhere!
  8. Anyone know where the Northwest Mountain Journal went? All the links are 404ed, or is it just me?
  9. Allen Brain Science Facility. It will be the new Vulcan Headquarters too.
  10. Id like to do the edge of space. I don't know about linking them up though.
  11. You will notice that most aid done at Index is done solo. I can't see putting a belayer through hours of that drudgery. Last time I was aiding there were 5 other soloists!! Good thing there is lots of routes to choose from.
  12. Pat, there is a high-water log crossing up stream from the regular one. It has a tether rope too.
  13. If anyone wants to go there or vantage tomorrow from seattle, shoot me a pm.
  14. ….and yet another season goes by.
  15. Anyone know if Midnight Rock is closed? I couldn't find anything current on line. Thanks
  16. It used to take years to build a winning program, so now you can buy a few good players, supporting cast and win it all in one year? Cant think of many good examples in baseball since the Marlins in late 90s. I just hope they are worth watching this year from time to time, and can compete for a pennant.
  17. Coming.
  18. Nice read Ben, stoked for the syndrome and beyond.
  19. Hmm a bit wordy, but thanks
  20. Writing an article and looking for a complete quote and source please. If you recognize it please help, thanks Goes something like this: " During a mans youth, he can be content to learn his craft around his local crags, but in the storm of his manhood, he should be testing his skills in the great glaciated ranges of the world" Chouinard, Rebuffat?
  21. Exotic locale! Thanks for the story.
  22. Vern and I went to Red Rocks for the week and did another few sweet routes! Updated Journal/blog
  23. Mine of course, really though, the Hoze and Complete Pickets Traverse takes the prize. Theilsen was epic too.
  24. Excellent work gentlemen! Proud line on a fierce wall.
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