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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. Bought a pair of Grivel G-12 crampons ($70) and Boreal Ace shoes ($65). Saved enough money that I can purchase other domestically made (BD & Metolius) stuff.
  3. hikerwa, who? now that the Coyotes are at home watching the rest of the playoffs. I'd have gotten back sooner, but like many of you I was in the great outdoors this weekend. Fishing wasn't as good as usual though. Anyway, bring on the next Shark victim. [ 04-29-2002, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  4. Jon, your poll is invalid, you left the team that is going to win the cup off.
  5. GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!!! [ 04-25-2002, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  6. quote: Originally posted by Uncle Tricky: Apparently a whole economy and social structure has developed around the harvesting of rats. In addition to providing a cheap source of protein, its the men's main source of entertainment and income. And, of course, the nightly rat hunt serves the time-honored necessity of getting away from the old lady. A great read is King Rat by James Clavel. WWII POWs who breed rats for the protein and start a whole economy in the camp. Watched a kid in Manzanillo, Mexico prctice his soccer skills on rats. Rats were running beteween the warhouse and containers on the dock. He would hide next to the containers on the dock and if any of the rats paused on their run, he would zip out and kick them as far as he could. From the sound of it, he was hurting the rats good and truely enjoying himself. Maybe you could hire him to help with your rat problem. [ 04-21-2002, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  7. Fatu Hiva, Kon Tiki, Ra Expedition. These books were my introduction to adventure, testing a hypothesis, challenging the status quo, and challenging yourself physically and emotionally. Thor Heyrdahl will be missed. Heres to Thor
  8. I have seen the headwaters and it is pretty amazing. I have also fished the stream with very little luck. It is one very cold stretch of water. It is Lava Butte just south of Bend that bballer refered to. If you are down that way, the High Desert Museum is a great place to visit. Lava River Cave near Lava Butte is like a large tunnel and tends to get crowded since it is right off U.S. 97. South Ice cave was pretty neat, make sure you have good maps and keep track of where you are as it is way back on some Forest Service roads. Might want to bring a helmet. I never did find Skylight Cave. It was spring and there was still a bit of snow on the ground so I probably got turned around.
  9. Skylight Cave is right in the area. Start south on FR 2060 right by Black Butte. Get a map and further directions from the Forest Service Office in Sisters. There is a guide book titled "Central Oregon Caves." The river that flows right out of the side of the hill is the Metolius River. FWIW that is where the climbing gear company took their name. They started in a garage in Camp Sherman just downstream for the headwaters. [ 04-07-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  10. I wish I could help you more, but my vertical climbing has been in a gym and scrambling on rock.Have you tried the Pinnacles section of Rock Climbing.com I have gone in the west entrance and hiked along the Balconies trail. Walk about 0.6 mile and take the left fork. There are numerous routes (pretty well signed) along here including the Balconie Cliffs. Most are bolted I believe. Check with the ranger if headed for the high peaks as I believe there are some closures for raptor nesting. PM or e-mail me (dharris25@excite.com) when you know the exact date. For me it would have to be a weekend though. I would love to head over there to watch, visit and learn what I can. [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ] [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  11. You might try checking Friends of Pinnacles [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  12. How did I feel? Irritated I tried the Crescent Moon Coulior in the Sierras Saturday and the snow was still too fresh. After quite a ways up I started postholing to my thighs and no good line anywhere. Had to turn back.
  13. Interstate 80, U.S. 50 and State Route 88 are the only trans Sierra Highways open this time of year to get you to 395 for the trip south to Bishop. We are supposed to get snow in the mountains this weekend so Interstate 80 out of Sacto is the best bet to get over the hill. It is the best plowed, 50 goes right through South Shore Tahoe and is therefore slower and 88 tends to have some avalanches closures if the storm is heavy enough. Have a good trip.
  14. bad timing, what? said with a British accent. beat this wimp! (more) beer this winter
  15. Glen, a good new layer of snow fell on the Sierras yesterday and today. Took the wife and 4 year old up for some snowshoeing and snow cave making today, Uh western Sierras. It was snowing pretty good on the way up (as low as about 1000 ft.) and there was a long line of cars heading down the hill. By mid afternoon the sun was out and the day was awesome. Those who bailed early missed a great afternoon
  16. make sure you have a reliable car to get you the hell out of there whenever possible. that whole central valley is a cultural wasteland. in fact, you might consider getting a mullet if you want to fit in. Sonora Pass area, once it opens for the summer has some good climbing, plus the Feather River Canyon north of Sacto. Hey, haven't seen a mullet for at least a month or so. There is culture here, Central CA is the largest dairy producing area in the nation, oops, wrong type of culture. The news is just running a story about the They Stink, uh, I mean 'NSYNC concert last night at Arco Arena.
  17. Bunny Flat is it for Casaval Ridge. There is a parking area at Sand Flat, but it is usually a summer trailhead and also makes for a longer approach.
  18. All this earth stuff is trivial. How about Olympus Mons on Mars. It rises 78,000 ft. above the plain, is 500 km in diameter and has a 20,000 ft. cliff on one rim. Anyone up for a first ascent try!
  19. Once at Candlestick Park there was a large crowd getting rid of the beer they had consumed during the early innings when all of a sudden a stall door slammed open, out walked a woman tugging at her skirt yelling "God damned men piss all over everything."
  20. Wild pigs can be very destructive. I have been confronted by them and they are not nice, find the nearest tree. Here in CA the pig season is Jan. 1 to Dec 31 with a bag limit of one pig per day.
  21. It's still there. I just checked it a few minutes ago
  22. I'm happy an American won a gold medal, but hey, isn't blocking part of any racing where you are not restricted to a lane? Autos, cross country, etc. I've even seen blocking in distance racing in track meets. The stuff that happened in some qualifying heats and the medal race last week were much worse than last night.That is part of the event in my mind. My $0.02 worth.
  23. I did watch the Daytona 500. There were two big pile-ups related to blocking, but the a bigger culprit is the restrictor plates the teams are forced to use. Blocking takes place in all the races, the only time there are huge wrecks are restrictor plate races. I would like a little more consistancy in rulings. Either say blocking is illegal and enforce it consistanly or let blocking take place. IMHO blocking in a no lane race is legit as long as contact does not take place. To me that is part of race strategy. As I said earlier, the blocking that took place in earlier races was much worse in my mind and there were no sanctions. How come? And yes, Apollo is awesome.
  24. quote: Originally posted by David Parker: Controversy is not new to the Olympics. In 1972, the Russians had 2 extra chances after the clock ran out to win the Gold in Basketball. I think they should give Tommy Smith his Gold Medal back from the '68 Olympics. I think the antics and the costumes some of these athletes wear on the podium are worse than him holding a fist in the air! Could happen for Tommy Smith. The precedent was set when Jim Thorpe's medals were returned to his family at the L.A. Olympics in the 80s. Granted it was 50? years later and he was no longer around.
  25. How well do you know beer bottles & labels? I am a slacker I only got 8 of them. [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ] [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
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