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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. I too have been enjoying the skiing, speed skating, and hockey. How can anything that is judged (figure skating, moguls, half-pipe) be called a sport, competition maybe, but not sport. Last night I watched some curling for the first time. What the hell is up with that? I couldn't for the life of me figure out the rules or strategy or the point of this event. Sliding a huge rock with a handle while two other guys look like teenagers whose mom is pulling into the driveway and they didn't do their chores.
  2. I still lug my 20+ year old Pentax K-1000 with a 50-mm lens. I sometimes carry my 70 - 210 zoom with me. On snow I usually underexpose by a stop or two and have some pretty good results. My wife usually buys me Kodak 200 ASA print film. I buy Fuji, I think the colors on the Fuji are nicer.
  3. There have been threads with strange place names, weird mountain names and even different route names. Even with all of these bizarre names there are so many places with the same unimaginative names. Black Butte. I know of 4 in CA and one more in OR. I'm sure there are more. How about Sisters. Two sets in CA, one each that I know of in Oregon, Canada, and Idaho. What were some of these people thinking?
  4. You turn up the thermostat when it gets frosty? What is the rating on your sleeping bag?
  5. How stereotypical of those people to sterotype that way. HOO HOO!!! At least I'm not sterotypical. I have a college edumakashun and drink moderate amounts of beer at meals. BTW, I make my own beer! I lift a pint to all non stereotypes.
  6. Students gave me a couple so I would post. House, NM Kite, KY Finger, TN (not THE Finger ) Finally, Chunky, MS (Chunky what?)
  7. I will do as you say REDRUM! REDRUM!
  8. Thanks for all of the great information. I will now present it to my money manager and see what I can get.
  9. Just got back from an outdoor shop. They have some SMC 12 point strap on crampons there. I have not heard of them before. I would use them for general glacier travel with Montrail Moraine boots, nothing vertical. Does anyone have any information on these? Are they any good? How do they compare, say, to Grivel G-12
  10. Once while backpacking, my brother in law and I stopped for lunch and I went over to some rocks to void my bladder. As the pressure was being relieved I heard the heart stopping sound of a rattler. I looked down to see that I was peeing on it. I jumped back, now having lost all bladder control, pee going everywhere Once I was now safely away from the snake, my bladder was empty, my manhood hanging out for all to see, and my brother in law was rolling on the ground with laughter. It is said that it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. Well that ole rattler was both.
  11. Not exactly human litter, but about 30 feet shy of the summit of Middle Sister, OR we found a dead opposum. No clue as to why it was there or how it got here. Maybe it was headed for the Ritz crackers glued to the rocks at the summit. with that [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  12. Jupiter, FLPodunk, MITen Sleep, WYSnowflake, AZTexarkana, TX, LA, ARMoose Jaw, Saskatchewan Zzyzx road off I-15 in CA desert Putah Creek drains Lake Berryessa in CA. The U is actually pronounced like you. Most say it as poohta. Ask your spanish speaking friends.
  13. The mountain thing has been done. Check outSilly Mountain Names. It was on the climbers board. There were some good names. After leaving Boring, OR you can travel through Zig Zag, OR on your way to Weed, CA
  14. ScottP, I think I stepped in / on ? that road before. To bad it isn't found in Crappo, MD. Of course if we don't clean up our lives we may go to Purgatory, CO to repent. Also been through that happening place George, WA.
  15. Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Joe, Montana and at the base of Mount Shasta, Weed
  16. Dan_Harris

    Place Names

    I heard a radio ad today that used strange place names of real places, like Deadhorse, AK. It got me to thinking about other strange names. Here in CA some do not seem strange until you translate to english, like Manteca (Lard) and Maricopa (Moth). Any others out there? I live in Exit. [ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  17. Dan_Harris


    FZX is Phun
  18. Dan_Harris


    1 Tequila 2 Tequila 3 Tequila FLOOR!!!!
  19. Went to Lava Beds Nat'l Monument Last week. Fun time in the lava tube caves. But all of the climbing is class 3 & 4. Has anyone been there and done any technical stuff? If so where is it? Where is Captain Jack's Ice Cave?
  20. I better go change all my profile info so I won't be sued for my comments!!! Wait a minute, I don't spray. Oh no, I'm getting caught. The ASPCA dude needs to get a life if he can't handle a little criticism. CLIMB ON
  21. Dan_Harris


    1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, . . .
  22. Climbing or Bowling? Climbing in a heart beat!!! but if you can't get out then bowling is good excuse to drink beer
  23. [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  24. Santa, please get my kid into her school of choice in Orygun. That way I can visit and of course climb!!
  25. Back to Lambones challenge for naming this new sport, how about SHORT (Snow Hopping Off Rock Tops). I love SHORT women
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