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Everything posted by Cpt.Caveman

  1. Climb: TR Smiff rox tower-Some Tower Date of Climb: 3/20/2004 Trip Report: That sky ridge route is killer for the grade.. I really liked the hand traverse pitch .. Take cams and a 60 meter rope to rap off the top of the tower. The summit tower has a rap station near the ridge crest or northeast corner and the route can be rapped with 60m slings. It's definitely not any longer rated R and fun. I waddunt about to take a run on the route Jeff and Eric had up but thanks. We had fun and nice seein ya.. Even got some Warshington climbing on granite today to top the weekend off.. later dudes Gear Notes: 60 meter rope and cams and chocks. Approach Notes: In da book. Book rates R but no longer R due to new anchors.
  2. All I have to say to the comments about storming and conditions is- Whatever. It's done twice. I believe that those arguments are there to fulfill their own posters egos or failures to arguments. The reason is that nobody knew when the storms were coming and going for sure and that there were times when it could have been done. I know for one that some folks that like to ski that I know and would not ski this with or many other objectives would ski it in many conditions that some people may not. Nod your head and shut up and accept the truch is all I have to say. Disagree - fine-
  3. No mercy- Poor or rich- get a license or get lost. My guess if you might have problems driving a moped baed upon your whining thread.
  4. some more guns ammo and fire bombs would be nice...
  5. There's a good line we did yesterday on Rattletale wall called Chasin' the Lizard. Check it out if you have not..... Here's my photo of the crack
  6. I would like it to be contributed\given to a place where it belongs. Then maybe they can deal with it. What are some ideas?
  7. If he's correct I got an old model. If that is true then I am thinking of restoring it a little for longer term. What are some good suggestions for the wood and metal? I could green pad some metal with small amounts of wd-40 and shit but am not too savvy about the wood. Thanks Rod.
  8. You need the localized (by language or all of them) fonts installed to view the text properly. I don't speak - read - or write Japanese. Anyway yeah it's one of Fred's old axes. I'm just unsure of the era. Asking him is like something he's not interested in or cares about. I think he'd rather talk about boobs and women's underwear instead. Thanks, -RB
  9. welcome to the fee demo and also the pay more get more attitude. The deforest service could care less. The real complaints should be addressed daily, weekly, regularly, by people capable of making a problem not weaklings in there. Bivy in the toilet or bivy good. Later-
  10. What years was this model in production\sale approximately. Thanks.
  11. Alls I got to say is told you so.
  12. Both are fine. The figger8 is stronger by testing yet it unties easier. The bowline is weaker and unties\or does not really like to untie if done correctly. Tie in with either no problem. Pretty safe with either imho.
  13. If you have a belay loop to clip into it will save some life and time sometimes more time since it is full strength and fine. If you want to make a chest harness and attach the rope to your waist and chest harness it is possibly safer in some situations or more dangerous in others. But it takes a mere few seconds of time. If you think a good harness attached correctly into a good system of anchors and solid rope is not good or are scared attach as much as you can and do not weight the anchor please. Otherwise if you have a bomber anchor and rope setup clip into a good spot onto either or both spots. A good spot is a positively safe from fall to death point on your harness for my response. Something full strength and managed appropriately. There are pros and cons when to tie in where on a harness. I just ignore the shit and d\t\ie in at the belay loop or waist loop. That does not include any other details that could possibly be encountered and it has worked fine for me for a long time. In a nutshell- is this tie in loop full strength? If yes - fucking tie into it no problem.
  14. You see dude, You are not part of the agenda. All of those type of works are instantly banned, removed, or regarded as insults, or troublemaking. The truth is that there is no forum here to talk about this sensative issue respectably, or even debate it reasonably. It's been proved more than 20 times I would guess. Talk about something they don't approve of and be a gentleman then you will be banned. Fucking losers. Yes that means you fucking loser. I have abstained from posting recently but think some people making the rules here are purely uneducated and inexperienced at backcountry edicate and logical and traditional values because they are not exposed to them sometimes and are also just proponents of making the world of climbing safe for the masses to carry quick draws in natural mountain environments. In there lies the flaw. Later. This place sucks lately and I am happy to expose that.
  15. markov, I bought my freerides from Marmot. I had them mounted at a shop in redmond that does not deal with BC gear often. The guy doing the work told me it was not appropriate to use the boot I had with the bindings and set them properly since they had a rubber sole but mounted them anyway. Then I went home and screwdrivered the areas in need to proper settings and din 8 front and back. No problems yet. I think Pro SKi whatever is fine too.
  16. Pan Dome was looking good sunday. Some pick marks on it. Probably a 3+ or 4-. Was busy skiing around instead.
  17. The girl I talked to mentioned the piece that holds the plunger in when you draw the plunger out. It had some small "L" shaped brackets that held it in place. They broke on occasion so they beefed them up. This is for cracked who probably has a different design. This poor design actually was the fault leading to another issue rendering the leather valve to tear and so on....
  18. Hey if we're going to give the finger then I consider that a personal "attack" and respond likewise. If you feel offended by my original response clarify where and I'll iron it out. The way I see it you dont know if I cut and pasted that info from an email or if it was what I really thought. In any event my more current response sums it up better and is true to what is being presented.
  19. Peacekeeper was consumed by me. With problems and it was good stuff
  20. I think pms still has a copy of mine (memory is hazy and I could be wrong). If so <check with him first> and if he agrees take it free and return it when you are done. Tell him to double check his library upstairs or whatever. I remember what you look like foo so return it. I have no value attachment to it but might want to use it in the future. I believe my friend Scott's name is written on it in the front. I have since bought him or whoever it was a new book in the past so it's pretty much mine. I consider it community info and don't charge money. Even if you dont return it for a few months and make copies of every page...
  21. Weird? Or just paranoid lisping fool?
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