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Everything posted by Cpt.Caveman

  1. Hi Juan, I don't buy those mags. Never seen the ad. Think me and skykilo are going rock climbing in the Stuart Range. Weather permitting. I'm going for a hike up from Ross Lake tomorrow morning.
  2. Ohanapecosh Mowich
  3. Hey it's not PNW but how about - Haute - howt or hawt? Route - Rowt or rut ?
  4. Hey - Maybe you can get a job doing all that
  5. Chikamin and where's the spelling police. I can claim a typo.
  6. I'm impressed. Did you parents teach you that recently?
  7. Hey maybe I'll paint a sign for you to hang on your neck that says "kick me in the balls please." Do you post this stuff because you can't spell or what? hahaha I can see you are ripping off all these images from the same website. Very ingenious and creative.
  8. Is that all you can muster? I guess if you don't have too many brain cells you cant argue and make points. I'd give you some credit even if you tried to make something up that wasnt true. But in your case you might as well just keep stickin your head in the honey bucket hole. Haha
  9. Hey didja hear about the tent scene he caused in Canada? I'll have to tell ya bout it next time. Classic!
  10. alpinekunt - go listen to some more NPR full blast.
  11. hey look what just popped out of the toilet- olyclimber!
  12. " What kind of party is this man??!!! Where are all the people?!! This is lame. " -Crack after drinkin all the liquor and helping himself to the goods. It's the AlpineK sausage festival brother!
  13. " What kind of party is this man??!!! Where are all the people?!! This is lame. " -Crack after drinkin all the liquor and helping himself to the goods.
  14. Is that all you got? Gimme a break. Warning a bunch of morons to leave and wondering why sticks are getting swung at them because they are harrassing the public in this sort of manner is fuckin funny.
  15. First if they are going to assemble they should do so without fucking it up for others. Second - Those comments about cops saying "move" and swinging clubs - standard operating procedure. What part didn't the morons get? Jeez. Also if they don't have a permit then - guess what ? It aint legal.
  16. I served- and have my own combat experience. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is before you start asking for credentials.
  17. "there was widespread arson and window-smashing, none of which has occurred here." Good - maybe because the cops didnt let the hippies and misfits that like to blend in and cause destruction by cutting off the bullshit. Anybody that's fuckin protesting by walking down the middle of the street screwing up traffic or hogging up the sidewalk is infringing on my rights as well. Don't be so selfish it's a 2 way street and traffic is supposed to flow with vehicles so tell them losers to get out of the way before I make them into speed bumps. They should figure out how to whine without fucking everything up for other people.
  18. Found victim.
  19. Got plans first 2 days. Something in N Cascades preferrable. Some things I would like to climb are- Flagpole Early Morning Spire Logan Goode NE Butthole Hike from Snocrummie to Stevens Pass Index NF -> Traverse to main Dome Peak Prefer right wing gun toting nutcases for climbing partners.
  20. Ok raise your hands lefties- How many of you have hippie oiled girlfriends with hairy legs?
  21. Hey it's JGowans back again to claim expert knowledge in combat from thousands of miles away. What a Johnny ass. People like you are worse than armchair mountaineers giving beta on a route or mountain you have never been on. Pathetic.
  22. I've been waiting for this one to get dragged into the spray forum PHukkin A. I have to be completely honest when I say --> What a fuckin whiner Rogoz. Get off your ass and on the phone with your butt buddy Sprayton and get the beta in person. WTF do you need to come here for? He sprayed 15 pages on every route he did in life making him sound like he climbed k2 in 24 hours with one leg and one arm naked each time. I am sure you will find it if you really want to. Second - I did search just like someone said and guess what - it fucking worked. No advanced features at all. You can't complain if it's wankfest user error.
  23. ~60,000 americans and millions of vietnamese died in an optional war and the only thing this moron can say is that opposition to the war was a fad? Oh man the truth hurts ya. Fucking hippie tree huggers. BY THE WAY WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THOSE HUMAN SHIELDS BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH LLLLLLL>>OOOOO>>>SSSSSSS>>>EEEEEEE>>>>RRRRRRRR>>>>SSSSSSSSS RETARDS. They really made a difference. Just like French policies in Iraq saved them from the abductions and potential bloodshed eh.
  24. French politics - man they have porn star sluts in office there don't they?
  25. Jim seems to be suffering from selective reading comprehension as well.
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