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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. sucks, dude. my bike ain't really in working condition right now, but i got a skateboard you could borrow for a few weeks.
  2. i like the charelet moser quarks and the grivel top wings.
  3. hey, snoboy. if you're really having trouble deciding ... just get all three.
  4. is that the same as "french free"?
  5. "Was mich nicht umbringt macht mich stärker." - Nietzsche
  6. last week i left northgate at about 3:45 and got to index at about 5:00. it seemed to be slower-going than usual. people can't drive around here when it's sunny. or rainy.
  7. i have a twisted friend. he sent me this today: Bonsai Kitten. he's also the guy who got me into technical rock climbing. go figure. i'm kind of disgusted by this, but i figured some of you might also find it "interesting" ...
  8. thelawgoddess


    group hug for michael, everybody! like i told you, shit comes in waves.
  9. i don't think people want me putting up new routes.
  10. ouch.
  11. never mind, here it is: Hard Core TR
  12. can someone give me a link for mike adam's tr? i also like fleblebleb's epic Caught out during storm .
  13. wait a minute! who's using greg_w's avatar?
  14. you should try thinking every now and then. it's not that difficult, and it's even kind of fun sometimes.
  15. oops. yeah; we did sort of sleep in late. but shit, dude; you should have left us a note! that or just woke us up. (i would have been cool with that.) well, maybe another time?
  16. i really missed dfa's witty posts. not saying all of them were witty; i just missed the witty ones.
  17. yeah, so much for skiing at whistler that year. probably gonna affect the climbing, too.
  18. don't worry; i seem to have missed it too.
  19. index! oh, did i already say that?
  20. get the gamma mx jacket. SWEET! you're girlfriend will think you're so sexy in it she'll want you to wear it to bed EVERY night.
  21. no they're not. (the leather ones anyway.)
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