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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. yeah; right. i will be just a touch older than that on saturday.
  2. thelawgoddess


  3. whatever.
  4. Good thinking. However, I only like to pass if all parties are agreeable. A high gumby factor may mean that some parties are sketched about that type of shit. Whatever, I'll figure it out when I get there. oops; didn't see this before i responded. i'm glad to hear you say that.
  5. if you're just looking for a second pm me. i won't lead any of it, but i'm happy to follow.
  6. i wish. you up for a road trip? personally, i think that if you're choosing a route that is traditionally overrun with newbies you should give them a little respect. ask them if you can pass if you really feel the need, but don't be assholes. and don't rush people either. it's fucked up.
  7. also unemployed. pm me.
  8. squamish rocks my socks off.
  9. no passing. that's not cool on this route. just go really early or late.
  10. i might be game for some index on wednesday. anybody wanna drive from seattle with me?
  11. >if you know how difficult/easy it is to find a partner up there not that easy to just walk up, but i'm sure it's possible. try this site towards the end of august. i doubt i'll be in the area at that time, but if i am i'd be happy to do some climbing up there.
  12. i've been wanting to do that climb. just not in the rain!
  13. ... is relative. are you having philosophical issues?
  14. pulling on gear. (cheaters!)
  15. hopelessly romantic perhaps ... but not the n-word. even for someone as beaten-up and cynical as i. and remember, you're talking to an anti-capitalist intellectual here.
  16. nah, nah. these beans are HOT!!!
  17. thelawgoddess


  18. thelawgoddess


    arnold rocks.
  19. i just might be going back in august/september ...
  20. i think i need you to come with me and make me climb the hard shit, dude!!!
  21. erik is not a goat; he's a sheep!
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