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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. jewelry on men can be very sexy. depends on the man and the jewelry, though.
  2. hey birthday boy, we're getting you sloshed this weekend ... even if we don't go to canada!
  3. yeah; that's the only kind of downclimbing i don't mind.
  4. what about wednesday? (and i ain't doin' any night climbing unless wirlwind is there!)
  5. sorry you got sun'ed out ... but not sorry you're back! how 'bout another road trip?
  6. no. will you draw me some?
  7. yeah, i've been thinking about taking another grounder. but i can't do it without him!
  8. whoa; that's a must-do then! simul-climbing and runouts sound like loads of fun!!!
  9. dude, that's awesome. (beta that makes me even more excited to go really rocks my socks off!) i will look into your suggestions, and i will definitley give your regards!
  10. options/suggestions?
  11. sometimes quality of gear has little to do with quality of service. sucks that you had a shitty experience. i love my nunatak kobuk jacket.
  12. foot zone. i think that's where i met him. those dudes rock!
  13. duly noted. and i actually already dumbed my ratings down in preparation. thanks, pp. this seems to be the case in a lot of areas. maybe i'll have to find a ropegun to drag me up at least one "really difficult" *good* route while i'm there just for the experience. i wish! ultrabrutal was an easy lead. (heady on the traverse but i wasn't shittin' my pants or anything.) i haven't led any of the lizard ... yet.
  14. okay; i'm taking my crack pipe for sure. thanks for all your suggestions and ... um ... warnings so far. for those of you who have some "serious" concerns, i'm not going down there because i think i'm a hot shit climber. i'm going because i need to go somewhere and i can't think of a better place for inspiration right now. i don't care if i get schooled or spanked (um, yeah) -- i just want to go climbing, have some fun, and realign myself with [my] universe ...
  15. if my partner will lead hard stuff, i'll go with that flow, but um ... i guess i'm looking more for info from the leading trad up to 5.9 vantage point. i prefer multi-pitch but i'm up for cragging, too. (gear recommendations would also be helpful, because i think my rack is lacking in pieces.) also, suggestions on harder 10's are welcome ...
  16. huh? did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? i'm not mad at you, and i'm not saying you're worthless. i actually want your beta, dude! i just want some specifics -- like, WHAT exactly should i look at climbing NOW? i've been to the meadows and it's huge ...
  17. who asked about you?
  18. f'ing nutball! grr. my computer won't open that.
  19. don't really know him personally, but i think i've met him before. way to go, scott!!! ps - 100-mile marathoners are insane.
  20. i'm a tigress. rowrr. get your cats straight.
  21. we will definitely be hitting the meadows, but i'm not going to bypass the valley. no way, dude. i can deal with some heat. i can get up at 4am and hit rock at the first break of dawn. don't tell me what i can climb *after* i'm an index hardwoman; tell me what i might be able to climb now. mmm'kay? i am SO ready to be schooled.
  22. beefchub? is that your new pet name for erik?
  23. iain, shouldn't you get to know a girl a little better before doing something like that?
  24. or "what's everything a first-timer could ever want to know before going?" help me. i've been twice, but never as a climber ... so all i really know is why. i'm so excited i don't even know what to ask!
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