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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. just your chest hair?
  2. me, too. let's drown our sorrows together in a beer (or two) tomorrow night.
  3. umm. i'd prefer he kept the skirt on!
  4. and i missed yours! yeah; baby. the only thing i love more than climbing ... is skiing.
  5. lol. but ... you know i meant the games, right? (i'm really a chairlift whore!)
  6. a beaver ... umm. i'm curious -- what kind of sound does a beaver make?
  7. dude!!!
  8. nice one, chuck.
  9. i remember it. it was way cool.
  10. keep it in perspective. i love skiing, but lets face it--i'm not skiing at the olympics. i'm a long-haired philosopher who has a crappy day job.
  11. thelawgoddess


    i use the little roundlet with the "plenoptic: smokey lines" ...
  12. speaking of erik, shouldn't that bastard be back by now?
  13. what he meant to say was: umm ... yuck?
  14. strike 2 - he thinks he's a real good climber.
  15. which brings me back to "meet the feebles" ... sodomy.
  16. what's wrong with happy monkeys?
  17. hikerwa doing some damage:
  18. it's not. does anyone else think mr. cleveland looks like wayne1112?
  19. think again, trask. Main Entry: sod·omy Pronunciation: 'sä-d&-mE Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1-11 Date: 13th century 1 : copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal 2 : noncoital and especially anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex - sod·om·it·ic /"sä-d&-'mi-tik/ or sod·om·it·i·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective btw, anybody ever seen the movie "meet the feebles"? (it's one of my favorites!)
  20. the things that make you go hmm.
  21. yep, i needed a serious shower after that one! it wasn't that hot as we didn't get to the crag until about 5:30pm. but the bugs were vicious. Main Entry: stig·ma ... Function: noun ... an identifying mark or characteristic umm ... i'm not the only one who feels it, am i?
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