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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. 'bout $395 and growing per person.
  2. freeclimb9

    Which 4WD SUV?

    RobBob, if you don't care about impressing people, a Isuzu Rodeo won't break the bank. Personally, I'm eyeing the Subaru WRX wagon as a compromise between fun and responsibility. But I'm considering something like the Rodeo.
  3. You actually want to live in that log-raft depot?
  4. You haven't read the budget either.
  5. Then there was the time some guys wouldn't let us pass on the East Face of Middle Cathedral. Got back to the road at 1:00AM. Lost some respect for Canadian climbers on that one.
  6. Orangutuans don't wear shoes. Size 12: I don't fall over too easy.
  7. Why do people selling footwear here have such small feet?
  8. And how much success is he enjoying? If'n yous want to make a little dollar, why sell someone else's stuff (besides the fact that drop shipping, or earing a percentage is easy). Print up some Ts and sweatshirts and get one onto the skinny body of Avril Lavigne in her next video. Cha ching.
  9. Fall factor is simpler to calculate. Next question?
  10. BOAT: Bring Over Another Thousand.
  11. No crowds? Sheeit. That place is the bouldering flavor of the month (followed closely by the nearby Dinosaur land). The funny part is, there's so much unclimbed rock in this state, it's absurd for people to flock to an area of boulders.
  12. Maybe. I wouldn't rely on it.
  13. freeclimb9

    Which 4WD SUV?

    The desire for clearance limits your options. Range Rover, or its cheap cousin the Land Rover, would work great.
  14. A ladder would save that boy a lot of trouble.
  15. I'll add that 5 piece bolts are the best. Easier to replace later, and have a low profile (no unintentioned carabiner openings by levering on a protruding bolt).
  16. What you need is your own superbitching domain. I just happen to have a couple: alpineclimber.com and alpineclimb.com. No reasonable offer refused! (probably)
  17. I think they're worth buying. I've only gotten the off-the-shelf type, and they've worked fine (usually just the cheaper Spenco ones). I don't throw out the footbeds that come with the boots. On a couple multiday trips, I've carried the factory footbeds, and periodically switched them with the others. Gave my feet a break.
  18. Good luck. Thanks for your efforts.
  19. I reckon from the big open space of the first photo, the composition was made with an advertisement in mind.
  20. In reference to the suicide carbomb that killed four US marines, Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan commented "This is just the beginning. You'll hear more pleasant news later." That's a sick mind on display. I cannot fathom why a person (the bomber was a father of several children, too) would kill themselves to keep Saddam Hussein in power. I wonder how many Iraqis are appalled by the cowardly and inhumane tactics endorsed by the Ba'ath party in control? The vaunted US psy-ops must suck. And speaking of shitty PR, I'm not impressed with the recent appearance of Saddam posters and t-shirts displayed by the Palestinians. If they really want their own country, why do they keep flipping the bird towards the one power in the world that can best make it happen? Screw 'em all, I'm going climbing.
  21. "Sure it kills brain cells, but only the weak ones."
  22. freeclimb9

    OH MY GAD!

    Do the fighter jets still roar through Joshua Tree? I remember many timesin the 80s getting way rattled on route when one ripped through at eye level.
  23. You can't be serious. Check out the 2000 budget and explain how "the majority of that money is used for maintenance of the toilet facilities at Muir".
  24. VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - A girl was recovering from injuries on Wednesday after the shopping cart she was riding in crashed while careering down a hill at an estimated 45 miles per hour. The girl suffered a broken shoulder and "road rash" after she and several other youngsters decided to take the cart for a ride in the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby, but lost control of their gravity-powered vehicle, police said. "Although the incident appears to be one of thrill-seeking, police remind youths that partaking in activities such as these can result in severe injuries or worse, death," the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a news release. None of the other youngsters was reported injured.
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