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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Enjoy the crowds. It'll be a zoo with so many gumby Spring Break kids on the loose. I'll recommend routes, but they could very well have long lines of groups waiting to climb. Crabby Appleton Dark Shadows Frogland Dream of Wild Turkeys Olive Oil Solar Slab Yellow Brick Road Crimson Chrysalis Prince of Darkness Edge of the Sun
  2. Lithium can clear up those annoying voices in your head.
  3. If you're stupid enough to quote an IQ score from an online test, subtract 50 points. If you're stupid enough to believe the score, subtract 75.
  4. Then what do you use a cordelette for??? I don't use one. For me, it'd be like carrying a #6 tricam, or other stuff I'd rarely use. But I do like to carry 15 shoulder slings on longer routes. BTW, this thread is old.
  5. That is plain wrong to step on St. Patrick's day, IMHO. But whoever claimed that the Senate always exhibited sense?
  6. some fish, some catch Niice yellowtail.
  7. Dude's my co-pilot.
  8. Okay. It's "kowtowed", sparkie fuckhole.
  9. It's "kowtowed", sparky.
  10. freeclimb9

    CC.Com Book Club

    The last three good books I've read have been "Sweets" by Tim Richardson, "Close Range" by Annie Proulx, and "Gould's Book of Fish" by Richard Flanagan. I read instead of doing TV time, so I go through a lot of books. I'm still waiting on the book store to get me a copy of "Loaded" by Sabbag; It's been 7 weeks already.
  11. I've tested at a pretty high level. But the number doesn't really mean crap as an indicator of whether a person will be successful, or not. Hard work is hard work.
  12. Some of yous are spouting about your "high" IQ. That just implies that you're educable. So what's your excuse(s)?
  13. That's around 100 after converting from Canadian units.
  14. But a cup is 8 oz. cupette?
  15. That would be 12 moles x 18 g/mole = 216 grams of water/coffee. 216 g x 1 mL/g = 216 mL of coffee, which is less than a cup. Since there are 55 moles of water in a liter, I guesstimated my consumption of a 6 oz cup.
  16. Write and ask the dude himself: BGvertical@aol.com
  17. how else do you deal with 10 kids getting to soccer practices and recitals and stuff? probably a necessity! Chocolate and Mountain Dew are consumed in large quantities around here. The latest big news in town was a drug bust in which 8 college kids got popped with a couple pounds of grass, some fungus, and hash. Scandalous. And now where are the stoner kids gonna party?
  18. I think you gotta be 18. All I know is that I've never been carded while I've live here. Seriously though, I've witnessed high school kids pause at the entrance of a local coffee roaster and look down each direction of the street before coming in for a double shot of expresso. That's some funny shit.
  19. how was the resulting colloidal suspension? I hope it satisfied your transmembrane receptors No colloids; I'm talking nanometers, at most. The funky mm shiznit would be rude. I think that's called "Cremora". But the caffeine does offset withdrawl headache while stimulating micturation.
  20. I drank about 12 moles of water/coffee extraction this morning.
  21. Some of us actually are doctors. But is that an MD, JD, or PhD? Give me the knife!
  22. Does anybody know who are the most well-regarded sales reps for outdoor and cycling products in the pacific northwest region? PM, or post, please. thanks
  23. See any irony in the US fighting alongside the UK?
  24. Come on, trask, curse his moustache.
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