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Everything posted by Paul_detrick

  1. We don't want no hippies here in redneckville
  2. I've taken my shotgun and shot clays there after a day of climbing. It is WDFW land, I thought of taking out a few pigons there, less crap on the handholds, and there open yearround. You could duck or deer hunt the ponds on top, and go climbing fun fun.
  3. Sounds like it would work, most sport climbs are are under 30 meters, but I only use doubles on ice.
  4. Next you will be telling me you can get aids from chalk.
  5. Which climb?
  6. Ben, were you at pearly gates last Monday?
  7. Sorry Gary thats not what you asked. I will tell you what little I know. Bolts show up a few years back, with from what I heard was the frist ascent permission. Lots of talk on here and other places and than they were chopped, they did a good job and most people are happy.
  8. I agree, say what you want about vantage, but at least there are no bolted cracks, and it should stay that way.
  9. Iwent down a couple years back(worldmark)fishing is great, I wish I was going back,maybe in another couple years. Loads of things to do.
  10. Climbed there Saturday, and all the climbs were still in. Infact it was better than the week before, plastic, great climbing, no one there. Stays cold may last another week.
  11. Nice picthers Alex, we saw you on cowgirls sunday, we climbed the corner route just north of salt and pepper. If it warms up like they say it is, and it stays cold at night more of those flows should come in, or get better. Paul
  12. Ya buddy, mustang ranch, you Harold and Dave.
  13. Thanks everyone, that is the informatuon I was looking for. Alpine my birthday is the 22nd and my wifes is the 27th, way kool. Thats why I like this board, great info. Sounds like we will have some fun. Paul
  14. Hey could someone help me out please? I am going to be in Vegas on the 23rd of Rocktober to the 30th. Am getting married on the 23rd and would like to climb with my new wife. She is new to climbing, so I thought if I could find some mod. sport climbs we could spend a day climbing, Mod (5.6 to 5.10). There use to be a cc poster from there, was hoping he could help. If not are there any walls close to parking? Would a guide be out of the question? Just to show us around. Does anyboby know one down there. I know i'm being lazy but we don't want to spend more than one day at it. Thanks for any help. Paul
  15. I have to agree, I use them on all screws. Took a wipper once on one worked just fine.
  16. Please stay away you can get hurt there, theres too many people there, its not warm yet, it sucks. Theres still ice to climb, you might run into a guy all covered with tatoos. And anything else that will keep you away.
  17. If it is dru you need help son.
  18. Climb there to day, it has lost a lot of lines, but there is still ice to be found, got cold last nite and snow a little, should be around a while longer.
  19. Does anyone really care? Wellcome to the real world kid, sometimes shit just happens.
  20. Talked to Steve a few years back at a ice fest in Mazama(ps)he said he knew of only one accent. Maybe someone else has done it since, looks hard. Has it came in the last couple years?
  21. Now thats a tr.
  22. detricksr@hotmail.com Kool
  23. Another good day at banks, only saw two other climbers. Ice is good on some and crapy on others. Just thought I would let you know.
  24. I have a REI cycops I will let go for $60.00 great shape. Paul
  25. O.K. you guys seem to know about cold feet, so maybe this has happen to you and you can tell me what to expect. I wrote in a earler report about getting frost nip on my big toes, two weeks ago when it was real cold, well I still have some numbness and have lost the nail on my left big toe, my right looks bad and should lose the nail soon. So here it is, yesterday was not cold(low 30's) but when we were driving home my feet still got the burn, hurt like hell for 15 mins. Is this going to happen til they heal or is it more permament. Not that it will stop me from climbing if there is ice here, but would like to know if you have had this happen? Thanks
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