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Everything posted by Paul_detrick

  1. The fees you pay for the access sticker, go for all Dept. of Wildlife parking areas, weather its at Blue lake or Vantage. I think they do a good job for the amount of people that go there. I work for the local rag (newspaper) and can say for the use, theres not to much problums down there. Theres allways going to be people who will rip shit off, we need to watch each others back, if you see something call the cops. It was happening a couple years back, and they caught the guys, so it can work. And concert season is allmost here, it won't get better. Paul
  2. Doug are YOu the one we did the race with,no that was not Harold. Paul
  3. Ill see if i can help you, are you cliping bolts, or trad climbing? If your just cliping bolts, I would get more draws, maybe some with bent gates, easyer to clip. If you are trad climbing, I would find someone to teach you, a mentor if you like. There is a lot of gear out there, a good place to start is a set of nuts, and learn how to place them, hexs are great, maybe some cams. Im not a product endorser, but you can hardley go wrong with camalots. But like i said its more inportant, to have someone show you how to use them. Good Luck Go slow Paul
  4. yea its shity there I would not go, theres other places to climb.
  5. I don"t know about other climbers, but I like Vantage,maybe cause its only 30 mins. from home, or maybe I just like doing pullups. Kooldude
  6. What type of climbing? For sport Frenchman coulee; lots of climbs, theres still ice at Banks Lk. Alpines not readly yet, unless things become more stayble,(sorry bad spelling) Paul P.S. Royal collums Yakama
  7. Retrosaurus, I did"t think anything was in there. Jeff says your off during the week which is bad for me, but I'm open on weekends, what did you have in mind? Paul
  8. Retrosaurus, nice climb, Bruce started up that one but backed offed. I led the one on the right,it was hard enough for me. We did it about 5 weeks ago and were wondering the same thing. Fred went looking around and found it,so we went back the next day, we crossed over that stubble field,did you see it posted? Fred said he did"t see a thing. We were thinking the Quad Pillars for the area but I have not thought of a name, if it were a 1st.
  9. Wes I have the BSR, and it has a pick, but i'm not sure witch one, it is recruve tho.(sorry about spelling)No leash. My son is 15 and has started iceclimbing with me and he would be happy to see it go. He wants new tools, something with bent shaft. Can't says I blame him. His knuckes get bashed. Let me know. Paul
  10. hey I have just what you want. x15 40 cm.with hammer.Great shape.How about $70.00.
  11. Well if its for Banks lake,I was there today and it was warm. It was cold early,but once the sun started hitting you it got warm. Most of the routes are still in but the ice is starting to go rotten. WE climbed in the valley,right pass salt&pepper in the shade and it was o.k. The botton has fallen off Zenith (again). The punchbowl is still fat,and most of the deathcicles have come down.
  12. Althougt I havent been out since last Sunday,it has been real warm here,(I live in Ephrata)the ice should be ok for 1 more weekend. Most of the unusual lines will be in poor shape. If it stays this warm I give it 1 more weekend.The punchbowl will be around awhile. (yea)I hope that helps.
  13. For what its worth,Bruce White and I climbed this route,(the one north of H2O2)awile ago and were calling it Salt and Peper. We used warthogs in the frozen mud,(some rock)and pitons for the rest,great climb.
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