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Everything posted by jules

  1. REI has been selling downhill skis for 20-plus years now...
  2. quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: 22,900 because the "you have mail" pop-up made me lose Oops, sorry...
  3. jules


    quote: Originally posted by Dumpster Diver: Does being a member of REI make me in with the granola crowd? Will I then be accepted as cool by you people in the Northwest No, it probably makes you approx 47 years old, caucasian male, married, college educated, with two kids, and too much disposable income on your hands. You've been getting the family into car-camping and snowshoeing, and trying to relive your youth. But nobody ever said that wasn't cool!!!
  4. jules


    I love Jules -Ropegun 2002 (closet REI lurker) Oh yeah - Seattle is the best place to live.[/QB] Thanks, RG, back atcha...
  5. jules


    quote: Originally posted by iain: when I need to shop and compare nalgene salt and pepper shakers that is where I go. And we appreciate your business! mattp, I and just about the rest of the company is aware of all the issues of which you speak. I have been made aware of some changes in the climbing department to come starting this spring, and I'll look forward to your feedback then, too. Maybe we can improve on some of the challenges we've experienced.
  6. jules


    quote: Originally posted by dbconlin: Problem with REI (Jules take note) is that it has a little of everything, but not much of anything. It is hard to compare brands/models/etc to see which is "just right" for you, when all REI offers is one or maybe two items, that are the most general use among similar products, likely to serve the occasional users needs, but not very specialized and/or technical in application. Also, REI brand products tend to be cheap imitations that just don't quite work right. Has anyone been to Neptune Mountaineering in Boulder, CO. Awesome selection! db, thanks for the feedback. I think we're trying harder to target particular user-groups, including some of the higher end techie stuff. But we will never be everything to everyone. It never has been. The co-op has evolved since the days of being run out of Lloyd and Mary's attic in West Seattle when the assortment may have been targeted to hard-core mountaineers, but that neglected a whole bunch of other end-users who might be intimidated to walk into a smaller, specialty retailer. I've been to Neptune's a couple of times, it is a veritable museum of mountaineering. I loved it! Excellent store.
  7. Looking for other pics of the 100-lb puppy to post... [ 11-17-2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: jules ]
  8. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: or chew up a ballpoint pen and get ink on the new-ish carpet. D'oh. At least it is watersoluble... but how can you be mad at that face... You can't! That's the whole point... what a darling dog. Icegirl, I might need some help in the training arena.... Lam, I want to see a pic of your dog. I love dogs, waited YEARS to get one. Happened upon the right puppy a year ago. He's now 14 months old, Landseer Newfoundland with mild hip dysplasia. I think I exacerbated his condition taking him hiking too early. At least with a smaller dog you don't have to worry about their growth pattern damaging the skeletal system. I don't think he will ever be a hiker or even a "hanging out at the crag" dog, I am too vigilant with his clumsiness (partially puppy-hood, Newfies are puppies till 2 years) and worried he'll break a leg. If a 40 lb dog breaks a leg, we can carry her out. If Dragon breaks a leg, I'll have to call SAR. web page
  9. jules


    I love REI. - Julie Poland REI Market Planner Colorado, Intermountain, SoCal/Ariz Markets 253-437-7216 jpoland@rei.com
  10. Sure is, mattp, devilishly cute! Now if I can just figure out how to get the darn photo to post....
  11. You must know me well enough by now that I can't resist posting my Alpine buddy's pic (OK, so here he's on the front porch...) [ 11-07-2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: jules ]
  12. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: Thanks jules, but look a bit more closely. Thelawgoddess has dug my post up from 1 year ago. Oh, brother....
  13. Lam, Head up the Mtn Loop Hwy, approx 14 miles (?) past the Verlot Public Service Center, see the Big Four Ice Caves trailhead to the right. Road to parking lot is gated as of last weekend. Park outside of gate, adds about .25 miles to a 2 mile round-trip. Cold as heck last weekend, caves seemed pretty solid, but my partner reminded me "it doesn't bother you this is enough ice to kill you?" when I wandered inside. Toproping in the furthest-west cave and bouldering all over the basin with incredibly easy access. The drive is about 1.5 hours from Seattle. [ 11-06-2002, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: jules ]
  14. jules

    I'm okay.

    MSM = methyl sulfonyl methane, a sulfuric compound. Of base alkalinity, it has purportedly been beneficial in the healthy formation of cartilage/connective tissues. My 1 year old dog, who has hip dysplasia, gets that plus glucosamine plus vit C every day. His dysplasia hasn't improved, but it hasn't worsened either. My 41-year-old human body gets one every once in a while, too. Also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. [ 10-25-2002, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: jules ]
  15. Very sad news. My deepest sympathies to you erden, and all of his family and friends.
  16. quote: Originally posted by allison: quote:Originally posted by jules: If you can't mapquest it, PM me, I may be able to give you directions. But only if you ask her, real, real nice. What she said.....
  17. The Latona, Sept 17th, I'll be there around 7pm. 6423 Latona Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115-6556 A block or so off of Green Lake a couple of blocks off of I-5. If you can't mapquest it, PM me, I may able to give you directions.
  18. How 'bout the Latona? Welcome back, Dave! We missed your organizational skills.
  19. jules


    "... every little step she takes..."
  20. Happy birthday, alli! Hope it's a good year!
  21. quote: Originally posted by iain:
  22. One more: LISA! One of the original cc.com women at the very 2nd pub club, now living down yonder in the state that is almost as cool as WA.... OR.
  23. quote: Originally posted by jules:
  24. Read the next post: [ 09-11-2002, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: jules ]
  25. Ummm... why not Allison? What if Allison and I take our cars to the same place? Anyway: Matt's Greenwood Autocare on Greenwood Ave. Mention a regular customer referred you and you might get a 10% discount. He's the absolute best I've taken any vehicle to, he's honest and tells me when I DON'T need new brakes, and I've never had to take my vehicle (Subaru) back to him and say, "hey, Matt, you said you fixed that thing, but it's still happening." He gets it done right the 1st time. Been taking my car there since I bought it 4 years ago. [ 09-09-2002, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: jules ]
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