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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. Way to go Glen! One whole year of throwin' spray around!!!whoohoo! I wonder what an excel spread sheet would look like that figured out the total dollar amount your companies are wasting to allow you to spray on cc.com? I think it would actually be scary!
  2. How do you make a hormone? Have sex with with her
  3. GregW, I would also state that sport climbing grades are affected by a person's hand size, especially when getting into the higher grades. If you have really large fingers, then you may only be able to get a quarter pad on the hold where with others, you can get nore. This is all relative because hand strength is also a factor. Even when Lynn Hill freed the Nose, they said she did it because she could fit her fingers in the pin scars (more like climbing pockets than trad even though that was what she was doing). Definately agree with you on hand size for cracks though.
  4. I picked up a pir of new x-15's for $150 two years ago. They are a bit heavy, but are fine for the ice climbing I've been on. I've led up to WI 4 with them and had no problems whatsoever(that was until I picked up my friends lighter tools!)
  5. I thought you'd be in to geting two hot cousins at the same time! That kind of kinkiness is right up your alley, is it not? Damn, too hot cousins, or sisters, or mom and daughter! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!! Sissssssterrrrrsss......(Drooling icon here)
  6. Good call Will. Head to the mountains. Seriously, Get out of here. You got your IDs? You need two beers? One for you and the other to make your girlfriend look better?
  7. Will be on Hood or Rainier this weekend, mainly practicing roped skiing, building snow walls (if there's any snow) and slogging sleds up and down to practice for Denali. What about the following weekend? Wanna go ice climbing somewhere?
  8. What about the ice climbing? Would be pretty easy access. Just get on your sled and drive across the Ocean! You can also pick up base jumping while you are at it! It is the mecca so I've heard. Mattp, as for Jackson, MS. Probably the hottest number of girls per block in the US (also the dumbest) with a close second being Athens, GA.
  9. Hey Erden, I think you should bike to Aconcagua via Pan AMerican Highway and then continue down to Patagonia and head over to Antractica and tick Vinson. That way, you can say you biked the enitre Pan-American Highway as well! (Except the small part between Nome, AK and Denali. Most folks I met who were doing this down there had been at it from anywhere from 1-3 years. Some obviously taking more time than others. Just be careful to skip Colombia and take the ferry around to Venezuala.
  10. Dwayner and freeclimb, recognize sarcasm when you see it. Insults were only spewn, freeclimb, in response to your insults throughout your previous posts. As for the getting ripped off bit, my trust fund didn't even feel a dent from it. Enjoy your weekends. Freeclimb, go TR some WI 2s like in all of your photos on your website. You bad ass ice climber you!
  11. ryland_moore

    this sucks!

    Damn Cavey! And only two posts! He/she's got ballz! I foresee another DFA/Trask locked and loaded, can't tell which way they'll go yet. Maybe an Iain?
  12. ryland_moore


    is your blonde-headedness acting up again, Muffy?
  13. Valuable fur indeed! "Bow down you holy women and offer up thy wool!"
  14. Because it is international? Do most guides get AMGA first and then move up?
  15. I guess if that was what you wanted to do for a living and not just get it to have it, then it would be worth it. I know that is the elite cert. any climbing guide can hold, so if you have it, then more doorsopen for you for work.
  16. Col. any idea what an AMGA cert. costs?
  17. Good points Col. I am starting to agree with you a little more now. The ability to lose a point threough typing is quite easy and therefore a point may not come across as one may have intended. Freeclimb, I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one. Your 20% does not say what it is down from and I could go out right now and get a job as a professor at any po dunk yocal college, like your alma mater of Utah State. Maybe your polygamist lifestyle filled with ugly women (or is it men?), lack of decent beer (herecy!), and unorthodox way of life living in the worst state of the Union has led you down the path of ignorance. Shut the fuck up you dumb-ass Mormon pussy! Give my best to your Mom, she sure tasted good last night!
  18. Unless joe jo-jo jr. guide service had an elite and impeccable reputation among the outdoor guiding community! I am not saying this is the case for the original link posted on this topic but if you have NOLS certification, or something on that calibur, you could get almost any outdoor position you'd like with others. It is the same for everything in this world. It is all about first, who you know, and second, your qualifications. NOLS leadership training is the Ivy League of outdoor leadership training courses. If you say you were instructed by the Mountaineers, well it is a toss-up depending on who your instructor was. Not the same calibur of people.
  19. Sorry Freeclimb, I did go to college, a somewhat well-known private university back east,as well as obtaining my Master's degree out here in Planning, Public Policy, and Management and classes working towards my MBA. I just think you are too clueless to see where the thread was going or to understand my innuendo regarding the Mountaineers. I was not stating or even trying to compare the Mountaineers or Universities with groups like NOLS, AAI, or even NPS. Just stating that there are people out there who pay to learn to play period. Now whether that is learning from the Mountaineers, Prescott, or NOLS, you are still paying money to learn skills. Except that with NOLS, and others that charge for training, you get to work in the field for that company.
  20. Col. not necessarily, but do you think someone who went there for maybe undergrad and did some amazing post doc. work elsewhere and was applying for a job there came back, that they wouldn't receive preferential treatment over someone who hadn't gone to that school before? I wasn't trying to make a link between getting a job exactly at the place where you get your training, just merely stating that paying for training, like with the Mountaineers where you do not get a job afterwards, or that that is not your main goal, is no different than going to school to a place like Prescott to receive your training. Finally, and not to dwell, but people wanting to work for the NOLS, AAI, and other elite guide services (although NOLS may not be considered in this group) far outnumber positions available. I do not have a figure but I would say the numbers applying and those that actually get jobs is a huge difference, where on the scale with say a professor, the application pool is much smaller since there are more prestigious universities, and supply and demand come closer to meeting. I also do not have a probelm with these guide services charging and wanting their staff to be trained the exact way they require in order to run their business. Actually many companies like NOLS are having to close their doors because they cannot afford the cost of insurance. These are not multi-million fortune 500 companies we are talking about here. If you work this job , you are probably barely getting by. I know a few guides who actually live in vans (down by the river) because the cost of rent is too much for their salaries to handle. My two cents.
  21. Which is even worse and exactly my point, although not spelled out as clearly. And for Freeclimb, you shut up. DFA makes a good point here. How many folks with MBA's, Master's and Law degrees do you find out there who work for major guide companies as their main occupation? Not many. So it is their education. Why do you think so many guides in the field of guiding got there Bachelor's degree at schools like Prescott? They paid to get the education to work in the field as climbing, rafting, outdoor education, etc. Same as paying to be trained or go through a company's "guide school."
  22. This is not a new concept and is all over the outdoor industry. From NOLS, to Exum, to others as well, you have to go through a training course to prove your abilities and learn the ropes so to speak. It is also a way to weed out those who are committed to this job as a career and those that are just looking for something to do during the summer. I am surprised the NPS doesn't require their rangers to pay, but in a way, they already are in geting all of the medical training that they are required to have. There are even folks on this site who have paid groups like Mountaineers and Mazamas to learn new skills, I just see this as a way to get paid back.
  23. Damn, mullets are versatile! All business up front, and all party in the back!
  24. If you own more dogs than teeth in your mouth....same goes for junk cars than teeth in your mouth....
  25. If you think a wife beater and blue jeans is the best way to pick up girls at the local bar.
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