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Everything posted by Dru

  1. quote: Originally posted by Nelly: Too easy - Greg W got it right off! Ed also said "It's too dangerous - I'm not going up there!" in Pervertical Limit. Cause he did not have the Nitro.
  2. quote: Originally posted by fishstick: Dru, Gordie Smail? Roger Marshall? "Do or die..."Jeff Marshall describing soloing Polar Circus and Weeping Pillar in a day (in about 86). GB Ya it was Smaill My Hero.
  3. I imagine my friend Arlin at www.buildering.net will be linking to you soon.
  4. quote: Originally posted by fishstick: Unsure about Nelly's... Who said "It was do or die and I did"? (hint, cdn) GB Bugs McKeith? Now here is another Canadian quote: Who said of Alaskan border guards: "The way they make a border guard is take a failed cop, drill a hole in his skull, suck the brains out and pack the cavity with 2 lbs. of horseshit"?
  5. quote: Originally posted by erik: quote:Originally posted by Dru: Actually, solstice occurred at 6:23 PDT this morning, so shortest night was LAST night. However, the moon will be fuller tonight. Here is a full moon for trask too. maybe in canada. but here in america our solstice happens when we want it too!!!! Yeah if some other country has a better solstice your stupid "free trade" Congress just passes a protectionist law imposing a 50% duty on foreign solstices... go figure that.... American sandbox you can't play, but give us your toys!!!
  6. Dru

    TR hardcore

    just as long as you dont dril a bolt ladder on your second time up.
  7. Actually, solstice occurred at 6:23 PDT this morning, so shortest night was LAST night. However, the moon will be fuller tonight. Here is a full moon for trask too.
  8. Rob Slater said - "K2, summit or die - either way I win!" Then he did both .
  9. Dru

    TR hardcore

    How many wands did you place, and, did you find that you needed to rope up at all ?
  10. quote: Originally posted by Dennis Harmon: Alpine K, You are the man. All this posting is getting me sad and I'm wondering if you'd be willing to take on an apprentice. Dennis Apprentice Tree Surgeon or Apprentice Muir Hut smokeout????
  11. Dru

    2 things

    quote: Originally posted by erik: who cares about your precious mec crap?? i certainly don't....... blah blah blah my crap is better then your crap....blah blah blah..... all of the stuff works, if other want to or can afford to pay more let them. it has no barring on your life and you are certainly no better for it.....and maybe even for for it, if you think you need to wave that banner..... sk & allison take your wannabe cat fight somewhere else.....jeez....no one cares!!!!!!!! ClodVeil SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. quote: Originally posted by michael_layton: I bring a ..."2nd pack" which I wear backwards on my chest. . The official approved name of these is "Euro BackPacker Pregnancy Simulator". CE approved!!!
  13. Wouldnt a "Polish Bob Massage" be the equivalent of having raw sewage poured on you? Actually just the phrase "Polish Bob Massage" is almost as good as "horsecock and cheese".
  14. Dru

    2 things

    quote: Originally posted by allison: quote:Originally posted by sk: I have a nice ass, strong well built muscles, nice legs too. Do you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk? Crikey! Another niiice option for a small carrying container is MEC's version of the Bullet Pack, I think they call theirs the Blitz-Crag, small compact dealie that rides high between your shoulder blades. It's got about enough room for a pair of shoes and a fleece thing, and maybe water. With the exchange rate it's under $20. And while we are on the subject of the Great MEC, they've got a Shoeller jacket that's a pretty decent knockoff of the Cloudveil one everyone seems to covet, and it looks to run about $80, compared to the Cloudveil, which I think runs $225. MEC RULES! Cloudveil is sooo ooverpriced for what you get I cant figure out why anyone ever buys it except its made in USA... so you patriots that cant buy ArcTeryx have something to wear....
  15. ... on this site recently. I hate you all
  16. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by Rodchester: Cool!! a couple of friends of mine are trekking inot the Karakorum as I type. They are going to take a shot at climbing K2. They have a friend there, I think Islamdbad, named Nazir Sabir. he did Everest with them a couple of years ago. He is well know amoing the Paki climbing community. Do you know him? I hope you guys don't stop lobbing nukes any time soon...or ever. Welcome to the site. Some people "spray" too much, but for the most part it is good natured fun and there are a lot of really good people here. If you make it to the USA look us up. Rod, 1) "Paki" is a racial slur. 2) "hope you don't STOP lobbing nukes??" I met Nazir last year at the VIMFF. He struck me as a really nice guy.
  17. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by Dave Schuldt: Don't take everything on this site seriously. Don't take ANYthing on this site seriously. Isnt it kind of a bad time to be heading to Pakistan or India right now?
  18. If you admit you were trolling before why should we believe you've stopped now? I bet you just found a new issue to troll about.
  19. quote: Originally posted by David Parker: Royal Robbins? OH MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW ROBBINS WAS DEAD!!!! [ 06-20-2002, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  20. quote: Originally posted by IceIceBaby: quote:Originally posted by Dru: tell us which route and i will tell you my minimum gear list. Dru, in general, fisher chimney, Exum ridge, N ridge Stuart, Hotlum-Bolam etc basically the cant do without list Fisher Chimney, I would take 1 ice axe, a 30m rope, maybe some crampons, Oh yeah and a helmet, 5 m loop of weebbing (use for harness or anchor) would be OK and a locking biner, and 1 2-inch angle. (the latter two for the Australian Rappel) - cuz thats all i used descending them. N Ridge Stuart i guess it depends if you do the direct or not cuz i hear you need big hexes or something for that.
  21. Jon don't you think it was a little unfair to harsh on lawgoddess for posting one of Iceguy's PMS but you did nothing when 1) Adamson posted some PM's sent to him by anonymous persons threatening violence over some stupid issue 2)"amber" posted some PMs sent to "her" by lustful admirers???? I like reading other people's mail
  22. YEAH BRAWL!!!!!! Get those PMs out in the open!!!! iceguy and lawgoddess are the new replacements for PP and Dwayner!! Bring it!! I prepare for somre hi quality flame spectating
  23. tell us which route and i will tell you my minimum gear list.
  24. Isnt waylon some sort of artificial fabric? PS Did anybody find Daisy's virginity yet? I understood she lost it up on Library Ledge and was offering a reward for its return.... in usable condition...
  25. Rayborbon found out sock also doubles as toilet paper or so i hear. personally i prefer to use snow or a large broad leaf... the absolute minimum. nothing. take 2 rocks and hit em together to make a point. wedge in the end of a stick, make a spear. kill a wooly mammoth and make clothing, skin tent and bone tools. then you got food, basecamp and so on all in one spot and you can climb some peaks to look for more Wooly Mammoths. oh yeah... back in the day when horsecock ruled the Earth.
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