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Everything posted by Dru

  1. lets have it at Bobs Burgers and Brew in Sumas
  2. If you had these on your To Do list you might as well give up now Neufeld has been up there the last 3 weeks in a row climbing several routes per day ..... sketchy details availableat present
  3. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by Juneriver: C'mon Dru, give us a name so we can seriously trash talk him It was Juneriver actually No Im keeping it a secret in case dude put me on Ignore list accidentally or something. Dude wanted to know abnout Central Coulour on Joffre. Send me a PM saying "No longer on ignore list" and I will supply the requested Beta. Otherwise Too Bad.
  4. he used a sock and there was snow on the ground too
  5. Dru

    OE 800

    LA MAUDITE. Even though it costs more beer
  6. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by JayB: FWIW, I've had the misfortune of ascending stuck ropes ... I'd be interested in hearing about any other means of getting oneself out of this situation...
  7. Yeah, what the hell.... obviously you cant get a research grant to study iceworms so the info out there is full of factoids with little truth to them.
  8. FIXED ROPE???? You shoulda unfixed it. [ 06-24-2002, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  9. quote: Originally posted by Stefan: Thanks for the info on the wall. It looks huge to me. We climbed the gully on the SW side of the North Hozomeen peak. It was filled with snow. We planned to do the South Hozomeen the next day, but motivation was a factor.... We camped at about 5000 feet up there. Well it aint as huge as it looks... when you see it from Isolillock, looking across,its maybe 400m.. that would be 7 pitches or so i guess, probably less than 10 anyways... there are bigger walls with shorter approaches left unclimbed... except maybe for that rap in.........
  10. quote: Originally posted by iain: quote:Originally posted by Jedi: Pants pocket are usually gooey after a trip with all the emtpy packets. Jedi You'll run into the same problems with h.c. 'n cheese. You can buy the EXXXXXtremeTex Outdoorsman CheeseXtremekeeper With Quick Release Horsecock Action ExtremeTubes at gander mountain sports for $49.97 this week only on sale. easily washable and keeps leaky cheeses from staining your pants. clip it to your belt loop with a locking biner for easy access to horsecock during crux nmoves, cheese when you want it, and a fashion statement that screams "EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTREME CLIMBER!!!"
  11. quote: Originally posted by Big Wall Betty: And who lives in Vantage? Deadheads waiting for the horde tour to hit the gorge?
  12. ? people have been base jumping baffin for like 20 years... thor got done in the 80s i do believe.... d-dog have you base jumped steins pillar?
  13. found on the will gadd website cool story
  14. Dru


    Dudes PM said the snow was sketchy and they backed off Saturday cause they were scared and the rock looked scary too and that it was 70 degrees I dunno 60 is pushing it... its a couloir you climb up it how is that for beta!!!
  15. Here is an iceworm homepage link1 and some more funny stuff about iceworms. [ 06-24-2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  16. Dru


  17. Dru

    Mt Logan TR

    looks like the classic triple post to me Marty did you meet Jeremy and Jay coming down from their new route?
  18. I never really seem to crash I guess because I have enough fat to burn in the long term that I dont run out of it. Thats probably why I have'nt taken up gel-sucking. However I will keep it in mind for the future. especialy the stuff TG makes with alcohol in it BARTENDER ANOTHER PINT OF GU!!! IM TRAINING!!!!
  19. I never see GU for sale but all the stores seem to have either Power Gel or Clif Shot. Are they all basically the same or what? I have never sucked down ay of those gels yet. Dont 5thibnk i am Extreem enough to need em. Maybe for all night raving they might help.
  20. it depends on the route... going alpine if you take the 3.5 instead of the 4 you might save some weight on certain routes.
  21. We dont let the Tool bring his gun into Canada so if he wants to check your pass he is gonna have to hike or helicopter in from Baker I guess. Also the parking lot is in Canada so no parking pass required
  22. Dru


    its harder to open a beer with a prussik.
  23. Is it worse or better than the Night N Gale or Synchronicity logs. enquiring minds and all that. Maybe we need a L-scale for log crossings where L1 = giant redwood with handrails and L12 = 45 degree incline 3 inch diameter devils club under 2 feet of water at lip of waterfall.
  24. Iceguy = thelawgoddess
  25. Take a parapente for a quick descent, or have a 'climbing slave' bring it up the standard route and meet you on top. The pocket death glacier doesnt usually slide off until August sometime if it does, although it has been known to go in July. It was still there recently.
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