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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    RIP Fallen Comrades

    What sort of axe? If it was Charlet I'd take it seriously. BD still cant make a good axe, Viper balance is still back of the shaft
  2. Dru

    RIP Fallen Comrades

    Just like Twight has the picture of the graveyard in his Extreme book, we should all pause and consider the fate of some posters on this board. DEAD because of ill considered words. Yes, I have been informed by someone who knows that "Chepe" has joined the ranks of the dead along with Donkey Puncher and all the other banned avatars. Poor guy
  3. Who is this Magna girl, I bet the cum laude part is entertaining.
  4. I climbed the chimney behind it and removed every other hold and threw them out the side my belayer wasnt on. The chimney changed size when the wind blew. Fatal accident waiting to happen and it should have been pushed over long ago.
  5. Actually I dont think Ray insulted me at all. What he did was change his sig file to be something about sexual butt nuggets or whatever. Matt overreacted by reading Rays sig as part of the posts.
  6. i had to grab my lip and unsnag it from the tooth...penetrate sounds accurate. nothing at all like Marc "I reached through my torn cheek, hooked two fingers behind my molars, pulled forward, and passed out from the pain. When I came to my new pink fleece Euro jacket was solid brown with dried blood" Twight.
  7. How much had you had to smoke first?
  8. its like people who say they "did" a route when hanging on every bolt or hanging on TR. "yeah, ive been on that, soft for the grade, I thought" although, if you traverse through the group but not tick summits, what do you call it - we did the Summitless Ptarmigan Traverse, or something?
  9. about what i expect from a PhD in BS
  10. FWIW the name calling was in a sig not in a post.
  11. You could be incorrect? I have determined the mass to be 6.4 KG (that's 15 lbs for Dwayners sake), but I'm not sure if my estimate of force of 0.021 kN (21 N) is sufficiently conservative. For instance, it is likely that the total force was not delivered to my lip but that some of it generated noise in the form of a Thud.
  12. see what happens to threads you dont moderate
  13. i didnt weigh it dwayner. here is a physics problem for high school students: 1) determine mass of a chunk of ice in cylindrical form, approximate diameter 15 cm, length approximately 40cm. You may ignore bubbles and assume the chunk to be solid ice; 2) what force will said ice chunk exert on the face of ice climber "D" if it detaches and free falls approximately 50 cm before impacting his face at an incident angle of approximately 70 degrees away from perpendicular?
  14. I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but I just turned the offer down....
  15. Smoking officially banned in all bars and restaurants in bc but not enforced very well in some small towns etc. i like it though.
  16. No shit.
  17. i send m3 with leashes on. there are a lot of soft grades out there at that level.
  18. Mike Tschipper, a Canadian hard climber of the 80s who hung out with Rob Rohn etc., took a hit of acid one day and it triggered, I guess, his previously latent paranoid schizophrenia. The dude now requires 24 hr hospital care and has for the last ~22 years. But his Dad wrote an article in the CAJ that says even though Mike doesnt climb, he still remembers climbing, and likes reading alpine journals. I think that would be worse than getting killed quickly by rockfall or an avalanche, myself.
  19. What i recently got pierced was my lip...by my tooth...when punched in the face by a 20 lb. icicle maybe i should wear one of those rugby chew toy things while ice climbing.
  20. gee allison, learn to multitask. i do work AND SPRAY AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
  21. We got some freezing rain in da Wack right now.
  22. Ireland India USA Israel States with two factions endlessly at odds with each other with factions based mostly on what caste/class/race/party/sect you were born into. "Freedom is free of the need to be free. Free your mind and your ass will follow. The kingdom of Heaven is within." - George Clinton.
  23. I beg to differ. Everybody and their dog does M9 nowadays as a warm up in Canmore - well maybe not in the PNW. M12 is "world class", when it comes to bolted single pitch stuff, these days.
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