from what i know they would be concerned about the effects of diverting water flow on ecological stability of area - is there soil erosion from water being diverted into new channels when things melt, etc.
also issue of commercial installation in publically owned park land without permit etc. & safety issue, etc.
for instance of what happens look at suicide bluffs between whistler & pemberton, where climbers installed a tyrolean complete with scavenged chairlift chair, across the river, and established a bunch of climbs, scrubbing some apparently rare vegetation in the process (rare moss?) made a mess casbc isstill trying to work out.
these things are much easier to deal with if you plan them first instead of reactive after you run afoul of the powers that be.
also there are lots of potential spots to ice farm, not in a park, near lillooet that would be better choices like below carpenter dam, or in the car wrecker gully chasm...