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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I haven't done it but you could do them all, I would guess, in a 4-5 day trip via Depot Creek. Day 1: approach. Day 2: climb Rdoubt. Day 3: Spickard. Day 4: Rahm and Custer (traverse) Day 5: head out.
  2. Thanks tex it is nice to know I am the best climber posting here, because I have the most posts!!!!!
  3. He was 57 I think... down a few for him tonight! JC was like Fred Beckey, a true original, and hero to the rest of us. There are few who have inspired me as much, even though I still haven't done one of those multi day unsupported traverses JC style.... The story of him and Paul Adam bribing Dean Hart and Randy Atkinson to rope gun them up Meager Obelisk is one of the all time classics. Or him and Peter Croft making the "Mule and the Acrobat traverse" south of Klattasine: John and Peter leave camp early. Peter leads crux 5.8 pitch and brings John up to the summit of unclimbed peak John has previously tried and retreated from. They descend. John goes back to camp happy, and Peter soloes 2 more lines on the 1200' faces of the peak before dinner, the last one in a rainstorm
  4. Wrecker is my new avatar or wishes he was. Tex I think the new route was rated "mixed"
  5. Here is a news article about Trask http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/01/22/1042911436247.html Note the phrase "The male relies on his arm as much as his penis to have sex"
  6. all trask asks is that you take the webcam to pdx with you when you go.....
  7. room 250, 4 pines motel, lillooet.
  8. i bet fred never shot smack
  9. Dru

    A Joke

    She isnt talking out her ass, but standing on her hands actually. That explains the breath
  10. Dru

    A Joke

    Dude I told this same joke a week ago but it was a Newfie joke then not a Penguin joke !!! Joke thief!
  11. I visit this site to disseminate misinformation and lure lurkers to their DOOM
  12. EEOR, East End Of mt. Rundle
  13. from what i know they would be concerned about the effects of diverting water flow on ecological stability of area - is there soil erosion from water being diverted into new channels when things melt, etc. also issue of commercial installation in publically owned park land without permit etc. & safety issue, etc. for instance of what happens look at suicide bluffs between whistler & pemberton, where climbers installed a tyrolean complete with scavenged chairlift chair, across the river, and established a bunch of climbs, scrubbing some apparently rare vegetation in the process (rare moss?) made a mess casbc isstill trying to work out. these things are much easier to deal with if you plan them first instead of reactive after you run afoul of the powers that be. also there are lots of potential spots to ice farm, not in a park, near lillooet that would be better choices like below carpenter dam, or in the car wrecker gully chasm...
  14. so lie
  15. Dru

    RIP Fallen Comrades

    But what of old Shlangeshmecker???
  16. Dru

    Cascade Perks

    good rock = not Vantage
  17. Dru

    Cascade Perks

    world class = chris sharma sending and 100 gapers, 15 with video cameras, gaping.
  18. That was my 3rd hand information and I am surprised cause I thought they knew they would get their asses kicked if they did not OK it with Parks first so Im all for some wrist slapping.
  19. I had experience with some friends who were injured by rockfall on N Face Mt. Currie and ended up getting helicopter ride/rescue to Pemberton. Local media showed up. They gave interview and thought they were going to be treated respectfully. Next day's Headline: I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD- "I'm giving up climbing forever, says thrill seeker" none of which the guy said in fact he was out climbing the next weekend. So you see why climbers are reluctant to talk to the media after an accident! Because no matter what the reporter records, the editor sensationalizes it to sell news....
  20. Cause we all know it was certain Squamish based guides looking to expand teachable terrain & have a wider range of difficulty for their clients. Naughty naughty guides! Wrist slap time!
  22. Dru

    RIP Fallen Comrades

  23. Dru


    looks like Flares were mesozoic style
  24. Not if they're real Sportos then they got the CHEATERSTICK out.
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