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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    fish out of water? or do you mean "Hussein dead, Hussein alive, Hussein dead, Hussein alive" CNN?
  2. Dru


    a fict is a foot pick in other words, a front point or heel spur
  3. if you use that maryjane properly you'll eat a double helping of dinner!
  4. You know you've had a good day at Vantage... if you are still alive
  5. yeah its real hard to trundle pillars in the enchantments
  6. Dru


    sounds like God has been eating too much beans and jerky. My partner was like that once on a road trip.
  7. Dru

    Building a Rack

    they send you free gear cause you run a website? i predict soon the little gremlin will be eating a splitter two cam instead of horsecock
  8. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=freshies&Number=153544&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  9. and is it Dan Howett on top? where's his dog? and the 3 witnesses?
  10. Dru

    More Media Bias

    Zbrgdan Mzyjzlzwski "Every Day I Am Training to be Strongest Slavic Avatar"
  11. Dru

    More Media Bias

    Bring back Muir on Saturday
  12. leave shower on cold when showering go naked in unheated home with windows open (if neighbours would like a show) or wear wet cotton clothing
  13. given that it is PNW climber Doug Ingersoll I am thinking they mean the one in the Enchantments not Venezuela, why don't we ask Forrest M.
  14. Danger, this stuff is more addictive than crack. Fella's liable to get a little pudgy on that stuff If only I had known earlier http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB11&Number=112816&page=1&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  15. do you always talk to yourself or only on cc.com?
  16. Danger, this stuff is more addictive than crack.
  17. its definitely sandstone.
  18. no, it aint grimface massif...lakes dont look like that probably somewhere close to the desert i'm guessing. rock almost looks like quartzite or sandstone, look at the horizontal color stripes at top right...
  19. "heavy petting" zoo
  20. its cause they wanna pet his goats.
  21. http://www.wkyc.com/news/news_fullstory.asp?id=3828 Trask i will give you 10 $$ if you legally change your name to Snafflehound Horsecock!!
  22. tiger penis cola? rhino horn corn syrup? that what they mean by Chinese aphrodisiacs? no thanks. i dont need that stuff no how. things work fine. ask the satisfied chics!
  23. Dru

    there's a rumor a foot

    i believe that daisy is not banned from chatting according to jon... it could be her
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