Dru's Amazing Buffalo Chili
Get a 6 pack of porter, drink one to start. For inspiration.
While working on your porter boil a handful of navy beans and a handful of red beans for 40 minutes to an hour. If you haven't got navy beans use pintos. Let liquid boil and thicken. Don't drain.
In large cast iron pan - 500 grams (~1 lb.) lean ground bison, 1 whole red onion, 4 cloves garlic, med. heat.
When onions are clear and meat is browned add beans and liquid. Simmer. Add the rest of your 2nd beer and open a new one.
Dice 2 large tomatoes and 1-2 green chilis and add. Also a jalapeno, habanero, or cherry bomb if you got it.
Spices: paprika, chili powder, cumin, coriander, salt & pepper to taste but better a bit too much than not enough.
Add a shot of soy sauce, a splash of HP sauce and its good to go. Eat with blue corn chips. Serves 4 hungry climbers.
Aside from the garlic, soy sauce, HP sauce and beer I think every ingredient on this list is native to the New World. Authentic. If you wanna be a purist use oolichan grease instead of soysauce.
I take it back, cumin and black pepper are old world substances too.