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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I think the bolt debate should be settled in person not online
  2. I guess my main point is some are supposedly down on spraying and on trolling to the point of deleting germane responses from people they do not like.... yet they continually post these "we must debate the bolting of cracks reasonably and yet I am proposing to ban you" topics which topics are themselves, I am arguing, merely another type of trolling. So why get all high and mighty? I am waiting for my parcel from Harry in the mail I will put it next to the photocopies of Beckeys FedEx folder
  3. Dru

    For Distel

    i did some rad alpine bouldering after backing off of a route!!! i will post pictures of this ten star V8 highball project* none of us could get the ballz or muscles together to do, when i get my roll of slides finished and scanned weeks from now * Distel it's only 2.5 hours hiking approach!!!!
  4. I am posting this subject in SPRAY to keep it out of the reach of ceretain belligerent moderators who are not moderators in SPRAY section (yet). It seems there are some people on this site who like to pretend they are not sprayers and are "only interested in a logical exchange of ideas in a rational manner". They will berate, ban and censor those who do not agree with them Yet, time and time again the subjects they choose for "logical debate" are the ones no one will ever debate logically due to set positions and emotional invoilvement or just plain intransigence, or worse yet deliberate hoaxing. Cases in point: 1) bolting, be it cracks or not. There will never ever be a non emotional bolting debate on this site due to certain nameless persons and assorted faux trollers. So to start a "reasoned debate" on bolting immediately after threatening to ban certain persons who disagree with you seems a bit odd. 2) speed climbing Dan - is a fake. He does not exist. So all these posts about "Let's get to the bottom of this - Dan, we are waiting for your response" are so much waste of time. Yet he's got his own "specially moderated" forum. Other examples of things there are not going to be the long string of sprayless posts about are Muir Hut, Mountaineers fashion trends, politics and global warming. On the other hand take a look at the "North Cascades trivia" thread for what is an exemplary series of something like 80 posts with no spray. with that???? Could it be because it is an exchange of information about certain peaks in the Cascades, without some moderator attempting to win a pointless debate? That there is no argument involved about "my position is right and your position is wrong"? Just wondering And for those who hate pagetops:
  5. Dru

    For Distel

  6. Dru

    For Distel

    i think he deliberately left early to avoid us which bodes poorly for the chances of others to get in there either
  7. Dru

    For Distel

    the guy who gives out the key left 30 minutes before we got to the office
  8. i will say "rope in bedroom" before anyone else
  9. Examples: Opening beer with nut tool. Digging icy snow out from under car, to make hole and insert jack, with ice axe. Hanging engine block with borrowed rope from partner. Portaledge in tree as summer backyard hammock. Today's example: Bosch Bulldog, 1/4" bit, piton hammer and long ring spike to chisel geodes out of boulder. More?
  10. i just click to turn it off before i post.
  11. Dru

    For Distel

    I was up in the area on Saturday. For such a big area half the rock resembles a flaky granola bar, and another 33% consists of trees and moss. The remaining 16% is excellent. However it is also a) behind locked gates or b) was wet on Saturday. We backed off 2 pitches up an established sandbag from the 70's due to inability of feet or hands to stick in mud filled cracks. For more excuses send $10.
  12. the perfect blend of old school and new school - the sit start is a standing start with hands at lip of roof a boulder problem that is a thin fingers crack climb, 30 deg. overhanging, only 2 moves to a big jug and beach whale mantle.
  13. Dru

    Enjoy life

    for dead friends
  14. do you mean, if you pay $20 Us for something I would pay $20 Cdn for at MEC? no it just means you got ripped off.
  15. i think its more about when you are scared you are willing to expend more resources on survival. today, for instance, was a 1-sling day.
  16. Last year my life was not worth a buck ninety five cause I wouldn't add tat to totally snaffle chewed anchors in the Selkirks. So far this year I think the average value of my life has been worth up to $25.00 or even $30 (whatever two knifeblades costs) All prices CDN $$$$.
  17. read the post in spray called "white trash a go-go"
  18. koflach plastic boots edge like anything!
  19. Dru


    bring back Gaper #1
  20. most places in Canada blow away most of the Cascades
  21. Do we know for sure that Gert Harby is a he? Gert sounds like it might be short for Gertrude. We know the Ptarmigans let in females.....maybe Gert married and her last name changed hence no more Harby?
  22. rain all week sunny all weekend
  23. the "dummy issue" PDF was used successfully by Alpinist to get started. of course, Alpinist has the CEO of RedHat ponying up 'unlimited' dough to keep the thing afloat.... that's why they hardly have any ads...
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