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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Limbaugh and racisim

    spin it around, would any pundit claim Big Country Bryant Reeves was kept in the NBA only cause he was white? That fat lunk. What a POS centre he was.
  2. Dru

    Holier than Thou

    no rat was actually crushed in the Sniffy the Rat thought experiment! everybody should click the link to see the piss christ. its not a photo in urine...it's an actual crucifix dipped in urine... and a photo taken of it.... sorta puts a golden glow around the whole thing.... I think it's good art! References Gandhian non-violence and urine drinking and golden showers and all that. It encourages us to look beyond excretionary taboos and see that urine can have holy qualities.
  3. good riddance
  4. Dru

    Holier than Thou

    yellow cruxifiction Anybody remember Andres Serrano? "Piss Christ"?
  5. Dru

    Limbaugh and racisim

    Sizist! Michael Moore is a lard butt too and I don't see you dissin him!
  6. Dru


    You guys are all wimps. Who wants to brawl
  7. i would like to traverse the ridges all the way from ashlu to mt denman, around the heads of jervis and toba inlets. john clarke said it would take 2 months. that's a lot of ridge!
  8. "The Heathens" are a bunch of climber type guys from Campbell River.
  9. i am glad i started ice climbing after the days of rapping off electrical conduit.
  10. ray i dunno cause the Heathens were in on Pagoda while Kurt and I were at QB. maybe they sent some radness.
  11. The impact of swinging tools in chalk is the same as swinging tools in ice... a temporary crater. Those cliffs lose meters of depth every year due to ongoing erosion. What I wonder is if they use a little bag of powdered granite to dry their hands and make tick marks
  12. Dru

    CNN vs. CC.com

    Bigfoot wasn't on CNN it was on BBC2
  13. Flew in Rock fall Serl and Daylward declined to send. Colin soloed. Walked out. N face of Blackhorn. But hey maybe Don or Colin or Dan will write an actual TR!
  14. Good work in such a dry year.
  15. "You might live, but I will die with a FULL RACK" -John Baldwin in the 1980's, taking out the anchor his buddy just rapped on, and beginning to downclimb.
  16. Luna Bars are to blame for feminizing the men that eat them with intense bursts of plant based xenoestrogen
  17. bat hooks cam hooks zerocams hand placed beaks but not a lot of any of it in a row
  18. obviously ann marlowe is not registered poster on www.cougardate.com
  19. NW hammer is superseded by the 3rd tool. Simond Fox or Grivel Compact 3rd are the 2 most pop options.
  20. splain how this darwinawardwinner behavior is sumpin you wanna chestbeat about? risk taking behaviour has been shown in many species to correspond to increased desirability of mates
  21. Dru

    The Spawn of Satan

    So far I have discovered that infected devils club spines caused blood poisoning (septicemia) which killed at least one early PNW mountaineer. I am reading the Henry Custer adventures now looking for more early reports of this monstrous plant. My own encounters recently prompted me to come up with spine removal methods. #1 is - wait a few weeks until it gets infected. Squeeze hard and watch the spine pop out on a jet of pus. This is the "traditional" method but may lead to aforementioned septicemia. #2 my more recent method is to take a couple of stiff drinks of rum as a painkiller and then go to work with a sharp sterlized needle. After making an incision in the skin to expose the head of the spine, squeezing and tweezers should suffice to extract it #3 if you have a large sized veterinary or scientific syringe, take the needle out. Now put the tip of the syringe, compressed, over the spine entry point. Seal your skin to the tip with pressure, and pull back the syringe plunger, creating a vaccuum which is very effective at extracting the spine. Downside of this method is that it creates a hickey over the wound site if used repeatedly. Also you dont get to drink the rum like you do if using needle extraction technique #2. However it is much faster and almost painless.
  22. hey i noticed you can determine timing of boat shows and my vacation time from the trends in weekly spray
  23. Dru

    iceberg names

    America "Joint Ice" Center? Sounds like a Schmidt Ice beer bong
  24. Dru

    This is huge.

    you guys are punters. thisis huge
  25. What is the worst thing you ever rappelled off of? The impetus behind this thread was reading the Warning thread in North Cascades. My own: broken off plate of desert varnish lodged in wide crack and slung - Red Rocks jammed knot on a bleached white sling - Red Rocks bush that started ripping roots while I was half way down - Old Settler 6' diameter slush bollard - Shuksan two half driven compression bolts - Fraser Valley slung boulder that rocked back and forth - N Face of Silvertip lets hear some more. truth only. no made up "I rapped off a slung 3 lb yam" stories!
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