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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Gneiss
  2. "take off", "ripcord", "hands on instruction", not so "plane", "circling the runway ready for landing", "hold tight this ride is gonna get bumpy",
  3. Dru

    More funny!!!

    stinkoman in 20x6
  4. what is the area near mouth of icicle, downstream of goat dome behind sleeping lady conf. centre called again - pearly whites? i heard it was good.
  5. Dru

    More funny!!!

    "eh steve!" "burninator"
  6. or maybe sefrit or whatever. it aint shuksan though
  7. your A should be mcguire or church (american church not canadian church)
  8. Hank Mather and Elfrida Pigou did it... IN WINTER... in the 1950's... but you knew that right? Hardman and hardwoman! Notice how east buttress of Larabee Fa during the traverse, is unrated in Beckey. Hmmm just like Chris Sharma.
  9. i don't think larry the tool climbs, first or second
  10. i think whatcha got labelled as fury there is actually challenger, maybe? hmmmmm
  11. Dru

    Hero Worship

    just one number, 764-HERO
  12. looks like its about 30 foot high.... does that little crag come attached to a mountain or what
  13. they all look kinda pointy to me
  14. what about that east ridge/Ne face of the professor huh?
  15. the "one on the left" is actually this seen from about 140 degrees further clockwise.
  16. i hope you are packing furniture for the chair tossing event!
  17. Dru

    Sisu & Roy

    celine dion prob'ly paid the tiger off for taking out her competition.
  18. actually, its mostly ABP on the left, with larabee just in front of it and appearing to be part of it. why do i say this? cause ABP has like 900m of prominence and larrabee only has 200m.
  19. ya, if you are too hungover to send, at least you can spot!
  20. i am bringing a pad too bouldering - the greatest hungover day sport ever! i would like to work on the v3? left of royal flush too and see if i can make the dyno this time.
  21. swift water the egg ive never been to the torture chamber, or mad meadows!
  22. we hate you
  23. even when its raining on Castle Rox and the upper Icicle you can be climbing in beee-u-tee-ful sunshine at PESHASTIN PINNACLES!!! or just drive the extra hour to Teeton Ribber for a crack fix
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