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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I would make like Nero with a fiddle!
  2. news story CRIKEY!
  3. Dru

    Jury duty

    Tell em you have a plane ticket to Thailand and the plane leaves the day beforehand. It got me out! It was too bad as it was a murder case and I wanted to see the true crime drama play out!
  4. Dru


    exactly. boo!
  6. "Lillooet" - double L, double o, ET phone home
  7. helicopter
  8. Dru

    Cold Coming

    it says on the ice map consult your copy (mine says 900 to 1300m however i know of unclimbed waterfalls in a higher valley nearby )
  9. super mac story
  10. and without metal in the hole the Rebolt hole will last all of 1 day in smiff tuft before crumbling into uselessness
  11. Erik if you are really serious about quitting the mod squad then do the following 1) register a new avatar 2) from your new avatar, PM me the erik password 3) I will change the Erik password so you can't use erik anymore 4) You can spray using new avatar 5) Jon or Tim will ban the Erik avatar as soon as they figure out you just gave me the key to Mod powers! - fixing your problem
  12. A word of advice, Dru. Don't try the same thing if you should forget your swim trunks. yeah cause I would need 15 or 20 of them!
  13. hi iain
  14. Dru


    I thought Trask said tits not man boobs Hey, you told ME I have "perky little numbers"! Get your story straight girl!
  15. Erik now that you aren't a moderator can you PM me the password for BOLTMONSTER
  16. Dru


    yes, to Miss Normandy
  17. Dru


    cuz you downloaded a virus along with that last batch of porn
  18. I ran into this girl at the hot springs who forgot her bikini and just pasted some of the Chestbeater stickers over her nipples before getting in the pool
  19. hoax fire engines and ambulancves dont need to change the light to green, that why they have sirens and flashers.
  20. tori is about as high on the poser scale as timy fairfield back in 94 when he wore that froufrou scarf around his waist all the time and had bulimia, and when 13d sends were still noteworthy but i don't think timy ever had an agent book him on the tonight show to proclaim a 14a send, and then 2 yrs later still hadn't sent the 14a in question my prediction for tori: she will grow up, hit puberty, drop out of civilized society, do "the Rodden" and end up marrying Dave Graham... the two will become bouldering hermits and only make the news once a year... the agent will have found an 8 year old boy who sends 14c to hype...
  21. tori is overhyped to the max by her agent and one of these days she's gonna overload and quit climbing for basket weaving or whatever like katie brown. is she the best woman climber? no way. is she the most marketed woman climber? yup. except maybe destivelle does her agent market her using claims of things she hasn't yet accomplished? yes. do climbers typically call bullshit when people claim to have done things they haven't done, or chestbeat? yup. if she was just climbing without the marketing hype would people have issues with her? dunno but i don't think so.
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