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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    I would think the majority of male posters to this board have nothing to worry about, by virtue of being as unappealing to men as they are to women
  2. scrambler,hmmmmmm.... do you think it actually RAINS in Southern California?
  3. Well I know I kick ass at RSP so it's no surprise Canada won. We can add that to the trophy shelf next to the Hockey gold medals.
  4. I think the tree started growing and lifted the rock up there Or a posse of trained squiirels lifted it up there
  5. the solar storm affects climbers on everest anybody see the Aurora? I looked at 1AM both Friday and Saturday but didn't see any green glow but Ive seen it before so Im not too worried.
  6. or a crazy artist
  7. Is Indiana actually part of the Southeast? It'sd SE of here anyways news story about boulders
  8. Dru, I think it is foolish to even joke about such things. the next time Osama and I are sitting around the BBQ eating toasted fetus and drinking the blood of innocent Christians I will tell him you said so
  9. 'Cause the roles bein offered don't strike me as somethin that the black man can use to earn - BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN
  10. Dru

    Happy Birthday!

    WTF where was Al Gore?
  11. Dru


    Heterosexual males shocked by E-rock's post can go to this site for quick recovery.
  12. i'm not very imaginative, i stole those ideas from www.islamicterrorist.com we could breed rabid snaffle lemmings and send them swarming south in a furry carpet of destruction!!!! like so
  13. Dru


    is there actually any beer in a Bud?
  14. we could probably rig a CANDU to blow up real good but why would we need nukes when we could send some tourists down to vegas with anthrax spores or just put a bunch of fuel oil fertilizer bombs in boxcars nukes are so 20th century
  15. Dru


    why don't you drink 6 of each and report back
  16. you should see some of the shit we take from US border guards
  17. Dru


    GBC Lions Winter Ale is out yummy
  18. I did the KingSwing drunk with ChongoChuck i smoked something with chongo in j tree and avoided reading his enormous tome.
  19. smart enough to discuss quantum metaphysics with chongo?
  20. Dru

    Happy Birthday!

    bazooka joe is like zen koans the jokes are so sanitized they transcend humour
  21. Dru

    Freshiez Couples

    i can't believe this post about freshiez got moved into spray
  22. ringtail! snaffle of the desert
  23. i will go up there and bivi just to get the morning sun shot next time
  24. they don't teach us this stuff in canada. is he the guy who invented eggs benedict?
  25. Dru


    i call bullshit that you kept track
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