The Little Ice Age ended in 1886 and vegetation has been recolonizing barren ground ever since that time. Given the colder weather of the 1800's a vertical cliff may have been just too harsh a niche to exploit.
Since you can't climb but still want to hang with the bro's come to Smith next weekend, I have never had a dedicated belayer, I have always had to swap leads and belays with some other climber. If you belay all day you can pretend like you actually went climbing!
Why don't you take on Gray and write "Mars and Venus in The Haulbag: Rel;ationship Advice for Climbers"
They can put it on the shelf with "Cold Chicken Soup From The Can For The Dirtbag's Soul"
Here's some news for ya: it's the 21st century. Globalism is irreversable. It is impossible for any nation today to be totally self-sufficient. Seeing as it was the US that pushed so hard for this in order to develop foreign markets for its products it seems kinda late to go back to protectionism and self-sufficiency and waaaaay higher consumer pricing.
new beginings?? creation??
noooo... wand in hand actually according to "The Sexual Guide to the Tarot" the characterization of The Magus in the Major Arcana, Card 0, as "self centered, onanistic and masturbatory" probably applies just as well
Apes are not monkeys and a Pan troglodytes is not a "monkey avatar". Apes do not have tails, monkeys and lemurs do. The dividing line between man and snaffle