No, silly, I bought it there cause it was the first place I saw it! I only stopped in cause they had the 75% off sale, and of course the guidebook wasn't on sale - but I wanted to see if Light on the Path was upgraded to 10a or not...
belay the other way around or just use it for the alpine.
the only thing it does better is autolock bringing up a second. i use a trango pyramid for cragging.
real alpinist not drink wimpy coffee
get up at midnight - stick pot out of bivi - catch spindrift in pot - melt with body heat - flavour with GU - eat horsecock - drink wodka -get out of bivi, send WI420 M420 X - summit in whiteout - rappel using gear from corpses of all those who have previously failed on route!!!!
wirlwind is a suck ass sucker who can't
wirlwind is not currently involved in any games
wirlwind is about to hit the dance music scene
wirlwind is in the thornbush; surendur the roots and blow where`ere the spirit wilst
wirlwind is the better of the two the fact that it can hide behind anything and still fire is one of the best things around
wirlwind is sw
wirlwind is the best ones
wirlwind is still alive
wirlwind is a bad spell against a sorc
wirlwind is about to take another of tha madly fleeing accepted
wirlwind is one of the best skills for a barbarian since it can attack multiple enemies
wirlwind is now entering
wirlwind is the base that spins
wirlwind is das model viel schöner als das
wirlwind is in the thorn tree
wirlwind is a must for all barbs
wirlwind is nice
wirlwind is also very nice