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Everything posted by Dru

  1. snoboy owns a unimog
  2. so who's gonna step up to the plate and import polskie warthogs to the pnw?
  3. Dru

    War on Terrorism

    well why was the unabomber disgruntled? maybe they figured out what a gruntle was and blamed the govt for taking theirs.
  4. it's hot in here with a fur coat on
  5. Dru

    War on Terrorism

    is ricin white?
  6. Some large icefall climbs like the Coleman Headwall are only doable early season. How many August or September ascents of routes like the Coleman Headwall or Klicitat Icefall do you hear about? I've seen photos of the headwall in late season and it looked SCARY. actually there can be really good hard* ice on the coleman headwall in late sept or oct. and its much easier to get to than the n ridge at that time of year. *Hard in character - as in water ice not neve - not hard in grade like WI5+R
  7. Dude. If you get one of these, you could hang out with Daphne and Velma
  8. well if they were a lot further back they'd be off the edge
  9. fak-you naysayers, ive been in a sauna that was so hot the thermometer broke and the alcohol ran out the top and evaporated. it was so hot we brought horsecock inside and because horsecock doesnt have sweat glands it spontaneously combusted. here's another thought. cO2 is heavier than air. maybe the hole in the sauna door is to let cO2 out rather than oxygen in
  10. Dru


    shine on you crazy white dwarf remnant carbon core
  11. Dru

    War on Terrorism

    what a coincidence that article is number 130013 on their site. cause if you write 130013 so the 1 and 3s are very close togethert it looks a lot like B00B
  12. Dru


    Be my guest! We haven't observed any WMD in Iraq either but this does not prevent us saying they are not there.
  13. i dont think the two photos were taken in the same place, actually.
  14. Dru

    New POS Wankers

    I am all DRU thanks.
  15. Dru


    Actually there is no diamond in Jupiter's core. Metallic hydrogen all the way down. Clarke was wrong on this and it's in 2010 Odyssey 2 anyways. OTOH another SF author, Jack Vance, was talking about gemstones in the core of dead stars back in the early 1970's.
  16. Dru


    the dinosaurs died because they couldn't adapt to a cometary impact. the mammals could. it is thanks to this we have janet jackson's tit on national tv.
  17. Dru

    In DADA houze!

    To Make a Dadist Poem, by Tristan Tzara Take a newspaper. Take some scissors. Choose from this paper an article the length you want to make your poem. Cut out the article. Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them all in a bag. Shake gently. Next take out each cutting one after the other. Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag. The poem will resemble you. And there you are--an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.
  18. maybe it would have been better if you had worn white shirts and suspenders and taken your helmets off as it is what are you comparing?
  19. Dru


    NO SHIT! by the way they found a diamond the size of the Earth 4,000 km across, so you might want to get out of your de Beers stocks before the market crashes.
  20. OMFG Max, Lybia Sucks is a 5.7 "harder" ya sure
  21. Dru

    Stupid Partner Tricks

    you are both so suck
  22. this was not hard thanks jk
  23. nuts represent choking hazard for child under 2 yrs. old shouldnt she play with something more safe like a plastic bag
  24. Dru

    Stupid Partner Tricks

    Girls talk about warming up here
  25. you could build a little fire and put the canister in the fire to warm it up
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