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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    new 15a

    i hard michael moore sent vicious fish dfa
  2. Dru

    iraq or bust

    holey fuck is that amber's long lost boyfriend?
  3. looking for some drums for the talking heads reunion album ?
  4. Dru

    new 15a

    The Fly 5 meters long v13/14 or 14d Violent New Breed 6m long v14/15 or 15a V18? are you on drugs?
  5. Dru

    iraq or bust

    "the game is called 'Find Your Adversary'. Your adversary's game plan is to convince you he does not exist" - Willam S Burroughs
  6. yeah but i don't like to tie myself to someone else when i'm soloing! i guess it all depends on the snow though.
  7. layton choking on horsecock
  8. i dont see anybolts??? how do you know where the route goes
  9. Dru

    Baby Smashers!

    spr0t climbers are babealicious?
  10. suuure looks bomber to me didnt you know that angle of repose increases with size of material?
  11. Dru

    Tongass Action

    tong action!
  12. ok now though 4 climbers roped together...no pro between... if you fall you can take out all 4 of you!
  13. Dru

    Baghdad Today

    this is only virtual hot air if you beat your chest in cyberspace can anyone hear you?
  14. i want to go back and climb the direct finish to standing wave who wants to go??? now damn it! i am drunk and motivated cause i just scarfed down the new caj.
  15. snoboy did you know yourself and bill simpkins are seprated at birth twins???????? omg!
  16. Dru

    Baghdad Today

    i thought he was hiding his wmd in the mosques and thats why the had to be so big. he was gonna destroy the world with global warming. the wmd was a lot of hot air.
  17. im game for hard slab. i failed to second the crux of magic carpet last year and want a rematch.
  18. also be aware nesakwatch creek road is washed out at km 3 so you will have to walk 3 km to the normal trailhead start
  19. Dru

    just starting out

    join the mounties or boealps or something.
  20. Dru

    CAJ is out!

    its a good one. you should get it.
  21. Dru

    Baghdad Today

    how long till the first fremont bike parade in baghdad???
  23. Dru

    CAJ is out!

    scan it and post it then
  24. 5.12 dreamer registered 08/06/02 first post 2 years later what took you so long lurker welcome
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