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Everything posted by Dru

  1. It's like Beckey Remixed!
  2. Dru

    Stop Bitching!

    It's sunny today and it's gonna be sunny on the weekend
  3. Dru

    Yakima Ghetto

    Actually the 97 is faster cause you can drive at 97MPH the whole way unless you SnowByrd into a cop.
  4. Dru

    Hi, litle help needed

    Hey Kubek there are always Nigerian bankers eager to lend money
  5. Your leftist liberal communist socialist Canadian membership card and Canadian Party ID document are in the mail. Hey the Sandanistas are making a comeback in Nicaragua!
  6. The gun lobby is well known for the Freudian connections they displaybetween guns and penis size. Attempting to compensate for lack of one, with the largest and most they can purchase of the other.
  7. Ashcroft will be dead within two years, they are removing chunks of his cancerous guts every month. He's already living without gallbladder and spleen.
  8. How many one-shot spray right wing nut job avatars have registered in the last 5 days? This is fun! It's like dynamite fishing not squid jigging!
  9. Armaments Two different things. Same thing. You can look it up.
  10. Armaments
  11. Annabelle!!!!!!! Latest Annabelle factoid: all of a sudden Carstenz Pyramid is made out of granite and not limestone as everyone had previously thought. Magical!
  12. So prove it doesn't.
  13. Anyways technology evolves. Lasers, Tasers, crowd control microwaves, Ricin, depleted uranium bullets, rabid bats (bioweapon used by US against Japan with limited success) -none were considered by writers of constitution.
  14. Dru

    Best Helmet?

  15. He was a vegetarian too, and a decorated war veteran.
  16. You don't want to get into "well-regulated" because you'd have to somehow blather your way through a spurious justification of how a restriction on assault weapons is not regulation. So instead you pretend there is something deficient in my definition of arms because you can't find anything specific. You brought up context and now it's biting you in the .
  17. What part of "well-regulated" did you sleep through?
  18. Dude you took a whipper on Loose Lady
  19. It would behoove you to find out what "Arms" means in the context of the second amendment. Its funny to see arguement against the context of "well-regulated militia" but when it comes to "arms" all of a sudden context is important
  20. Well they weren't sit starts anyway.
  21. Can you kill someone with MILF?
  22. Dru

    Hate November?

    Whiners ----> You could have climbed at Smith.
  23. Anyways fuel oil and fertilizer are still legal.
  24. What part of NUCLEAR ARMS isn't Arms?
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