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Everything posted by Dru

  1. This means you. The election is over. Bush won. The world has not yet ended. Sure things will get worse. But is this as bad as 8 years of Reagan and 4 yrs of Bush senior? Hardly. You get another chance to kick the bastards out in 4 years. Quit complaining and get working on change now. You get congressional elections in 2 years right? President can't do anything much without Congress right?
  2. Good god...skirt over polypro
  3. It turns out therre are a dozen or so competing theories on how the aurora can be heard. In Sweden they even claim to have finally recorded it.
  4. The characteristic frequency of the aurora is right near the lowest level of human hearing. There is some data to suggest that up to 1% of humans actually can "hear" the aurora - not the actual aurora, but the sound wave produced by the solar wind hitting the atmosphere. It's kind of like the Taos Hum
  5. What if they expend all the fuel straight up and plunge straight down, eh? You have heard of the "solar wind". This wind increases in force during solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Hell the solar wind speed last night was up to over 1000 km/sec. Also the height of the atmosphere increases during magnetic storms, and increases atmospheric drag, which can drag down those satellites. It's like the tornado at the start of Wizard of Oz!
  6. Dru

    Where to find dru...

    Post high scores here
  7. Hey smart ass - what if the electronics include motors and stuff You know it takes work to stay geo-synchronous.
  8. Sheep are waterproof. It's called lanolin.
  9. Dru


    It's too late I drank the beer prize
  10. I skiied in a pair of Scarpa Freneys this spring
  11. The aurora is centered on the N Magnetic Pole not the N Pole though.
  12. Its supposed to do it again tomorrow
  13. I don't have any visibility yet
  14. more details and a photo here http://www.spaceweather.com/
  15. Not even a hole in the clouds right now to peek through
  16. If not cloudy...
  17. pro: close to Squamish and Shuksan con: rain
  18. Dru


    if there are no more entrants in the next 20 minutes im going to buy myself that beer fix your links layton!
  19. Dru

    this thing isn't over

  20. Dru

    The American Taliban

    hey speaking of the Taliban! Message in a Bottle Osama bin Laden's half brother Yeslam Bin Ladin is out to prove that all Bin Ladins are not alike. He's selling a perfume advertised as "a profound, yet gentle, message in a bottle for all who long for inner peace." The 54-year-old Saudi citizen initially wanted to name the scent "Bin Ladin" (using the family's preferred spelling of the name), but opted instead for the more discreet "Yeslam." Bin Ladin says he has no connection to al-Qaida and barely knew his father, who died years ago, or his notorious half brother. Bin Ladin will sell Yeslam for $30 an ounce in Europe and the Middle East. "I would love to launch it in the States," the perfume maker said. "What do you think the reaction would be?" -- Jenny McKeel
  21. Dru

    The American Taliban

    hmm Seems like they made the choice!
  22. Dru

    Weather Sucks

    You will burn in hell
  23. leashes are aid
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