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Everything posted by Dru

  1. How big is their void?
  2. What is a climber?
  3. I have NO AVATARS! Jon banned them all
  4. Dru


    I got some of that here too.
  5. If you have links to areas with no guidebook, or if you have links to ice conditions pages, post them here. West Kootenay Ice: http://www.kootenayexperience.com/guidebooks.php3?activity=Ice+Climbing&cat=West+Kootenays Revelstoke Area ice: http://www3.telus.net/adunham/ Who else has some?
  6. Dru

    in case you're curious

    Shave before you shower
  7. So does the 13c at Oregon Jack count or not?
  8. Pshaw, I have a big Tri Cam, who needs a pipe. Some friends of mine did find a grow op in the Skagit valley while paragliding in 1992 and collected several pounds of skunk weed each.
  9. Dru


    Didnt Spirited Away win last year?
  10. dru, are you sure that wasn't in yosemite in 1975? Here is the thread with the recent News Story http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/402038/an/0/page/82#402038
  11. Dru

    Who else

    Solids sink
  12. Cause their sales tanked?
  13. Dru

    Who else

    How are you going to get to the water in the bottom of the lake to drink it? Swim out an dive down?
  14. Dru

    Who else

    Why? Diffusion and mixing occur relatively rapidly. The only major difference is going to be vertical, eg. across the thermocline
  15. Dru

    Who else

    The highest fecal coliform count I have ever recorded when testing water quality was 16,000 and that was from a stream, not a lake. Lakes tend to have a higher water quality because they are big enough to dilute the streams that flow into them.
  16. Dru


  17. Dru

    Who else

    i am interested in the rationale behind this one. what do you think happens in a lake or pond that doesn't in a stream? is there some sort of magic dam that stops the pathogens from getting out of the lake into the stream
  18. Dru


    I saw it on opening day . It is the only Pixar movie I have ever seen.
  19. There are 4-star limestone sport routes in the Chilliwack Valley but the cave isn't bolted yet. There are 6 routes from 11a to 12b plus whatever got done this summer.
  20. I figured you might need to stick the pages of your guidebook or somethin together
  21. Porcupines do that. But, you know, there are porkypines in the Coast Mts and the Rockies too but it's only in the Bugs that people chickenwire up their cars.
  22. Sasquatch, or sasquatches, are both accepted as the plural of sasquatch. You can look it up in Sasquatch, The American Ape by John Green (the definitive reference work).
  23. Dru


    So you're saying youve got some toads out in the terrarium then for some midnight snackin'
  24. OK, vertical monopoints vs. horizontal Sabertooth flatpoints for mixed. Discuss.
  25. Dru

    finally sunny!

    But it was still wet in Hope.
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