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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I believe Jordop and/or Necronomicon would be able to win this contest
  2. They're a tube then.
  3. Amputee fetishwear 20% off this week only
  4. That's "avatars you've registered or met" in the Snugtop system. I'm still up at around 60 points on that scoring system I'll be safe as long as I stay away from Rainier.
  5. No points for you.
  6. I just got a point
  7. i don't think the north face of inspiration can be on the list anymore... sorry mike
  8. Those poor women. Not only did their legs get cut off but now the only guys who will them are perverts. Maybe it's a way for ugly women to suddenly get dates though?
  9. "Did you bite your leg off?" "Sure did, gnawed 'er!"
  10. Hugh Herr said getting his legs cut off was the ticket to cranking one-arms.
  11. Free parrot with every peg-leg! arrr! Hooks half price for a short time only
  12. Despite all the theories, it would seem that the doctors are stumped by this
  13. Duct tape doesn't kill people - people kill people.
  14. Duct tape is toxic?
  15. You will never eat burrito the same again.
  16. I am rich in posts, though not in dollars
  17. Don't you mean Vitamin E? Vitamin A is carotene - not a lot of fat in carrot juice for that vitamin to be dissolved in
  18. NOLSe: Rafael: LOL
  19. LEE HARVEY OSWALD and THE KILLER RABBIT have the same number of letters in them.
  20. Dru

    BIG FUN ! ! ! !

    that's 24,600
  21. Dru

    BIG FUN ! ! ! !

    Here's pope and dwayner's Big Fun "This way to the beer-drinking midgets! No, this way to Liberace!"
  22. Easter Bunny Is Satan
  23. 4 years So is Terri gonna come out of it and bite the throat out of a rapist/nurse then steal a Pussy Machine truck and go on a ninja killing spree after 15 years? Somehow I don't think so.
  24. The only thing that would make this story any more spray worthy is if the gum came in Hello Kitty branded packages.
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