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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Boycott Newsweek

    Boycott Newsweasels
  2. Have never climbed in France, but in Canada, if you are slow, we swarm you back at camp and then burn your tent down
  3. Here's AlpineK doing some alpinboulderaiding on hand placed Crack Nu Ups, RPs and #2 Zero cam. No mat.. no rope... only the fact that he's less than 15' off the ground prevents it from being A5
  4. there's freshiez on baker too.
  5. Dru


    In other news, the sun rises in the morning
  6. Dru


    The big story of the night is the Greens doing nothing. Even with STV they wouldnt get anywhere with these numbers.
  7. and then it's "Break out the Nitro!"
  8. Dru


    To STV or not STV, that is the question. If only they'd thrown a "C" in there. Vote SCTV
  9. ok i warn you... do not scroll down!
  10. For every example there is a counter example... several years ago in the Rockies two hardmen were climbing Grand Central Couloir, the leader fell off the crux, stripped his gear and Factor-2ed on the anchor... both shitty screws pulled out of the belay as did one of the belayers two tools, the other tool held both climbers. After resetablishing the belay they finished the route. You can read the account in the CAJ.
  11. Whatever dude. I don't have that fungus shit. My toes are nice.
  12. If they think 666 = 616 I'd like to see them solve the equation 8===D.
  13. FWIW I bet if you ran out of ice pro you'd build a belay out of tools too.
  14. what if it grows back like this ewwww
  15. Websites cost money. No Pay, no website.
  16. Dru

    Boycott Newsweek

    Boycott this!
  17. Dru


  18. Keep your cow-ardly sheep puns out of this, unless you herd them through the bovine.
  19. ya but i bet the increased friction from the belly is helpful on slab climbs.... tami knight climbed when she was 7 months pregnant i think...its in one of her cartoons.
  20. Dru

    R & D TR

    Now you are ready to lead Outer Space on a busy weekend
  21. There are always exceptions to the rules but if you need some examples, look at Catherine D, Klem Loskot, John Dunne...the list can go on. i don't see somone my size ever craking 5.14s, im 6'1 185-190lbs, for example a little kid can get perfect hand jams in a 1/2 in crack but i can't till 1-2.5 in. hand size does make a difference and so does body size klem loskot is 6'2" 200 lbs and he climbs 5.14d and v15 so sack it up you lazy bellinghamster.
  22. It is a phobia if the response is not proportional to the stimulus. Being scared of heights when jumping out of a plane without a parachute is rational. Being scared of heights when looking out of an office window is an overreaction.
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