Fred Touche, Robin McKillop and I slogged up Mt Edgar (2061m/6700'+) today in a brief sucker hole.
We could 4x4 to the end of Paleface Creek road, with Robin's 4Runner. If we'd had a Subaru we would have had to walk 8kms more.
From the end of the road we crossed a brushy area through an old clearcut, picked up open forest and followed it to treeline, then followed a bench on the north side of the SE ridge, under some neat pinnacles, and on to the summit.
It took 3h up from the car, and 1h 10min back down. Then we went to Chilliwack to eat pie at the airport.
The snow was sloppy, but not so bad you needed snowshoes.
It stopped raining from the time we began the bushwack, to 50m below the summit, and it rained the rest of the time. In between the rain we got some nice views of the head of Depot Creek, and Chilliwack Lake.
What we could see of N face of Redoubt, looked good. Some seracs were showing blue ice already.
The N face couloir on Nodoubt looks awesome, I wonder if it has ever had a second ascent? One to add to the tick list.
Fashion faux pas: Fred wore a black lycra "action suit". This was more action than suit As the doctor said to the naked crazy man, "Well, I can see your nuts"
Robin had a Seattle Sombrero on
I took TWO, yes 2 windshirts, and still wore my Goretex jacket instead. BOTH of the windshirts were dead weight in the pack.
There was no technical climbing involved on this peak. It was reportedly first climbed by the Boundary Survey c. 1860, but we didn't find a cairn. We didn't build one either.
The pie was pretty good. Robin and Fred had the standard raspberry-blueberry with vanilla icecream. I had "Bavarian Rhubarb". Such a culinary experience