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Everything posted by TimL

  1. PM Sent
  2. It depends on the rock, the area, the temperature, when the route was put up, your skillz, experience and your cojones.... Basically, don't noodle about it too much.
  3. From the top of Carne to Maude is it actually a trail or you kind of have to bushwack?
  4. Has anyone done this route. From Leroy Basin to Maude scramble to Carne Mountain and then down. Or the other way around from Carne Mountain to Leroy Basin? If you wanted to camp between Carne Mountain and Maude are there any good places with water sources? Looks like a nice casual outing. Thanks for any and all beta.
  5. Nick and his lung infections......gotta love that guy! Sounds like an awesome trip!
  6. Post Deleted. Not available anymore.
  7. Is there anywhere I can get an online topo for this?
  8. Partner Found
  9. Thats horrible. Sounds like it could have been worse. I hope you get better soon!
  10. Bring back Capt. Cavey!
  11. I got photos for you for our trip. My feet still hurt from walking into Cathedral. Bro, your as real as it gets. Anyone who can deal with the mosquitos we dealt with is hardcore. Hope school went well this past year. Lets chat!
  12. What a bummer to say the least. I hope he recovers from his injuries soon. Best of luck!
  13. I bought a Petzl last year and it sucks. I've had two Beal ropes and they have both been great. I'm buying another rope this summer ad it'll be a Beal!
  14. Funny, this is what i have to explain to all my buddies here in Spain before they go off to climb trad in the States. Here you don't have the huge difference between sport and trad lines. The grades are fairly equal. It seems to me that after 5.11, the trad grades at Index are a little more in line with sport grades. In terms of placing pieces versus clipping a bolt, depending on your level of experience there isn't that much of a difference. To me the major difference is the weight. If you have some experience trad climbing, you should be able to hit your placements fairly quick as well as be able to look at a climb and see what you'll need. Screwing around for a long time while pacing gear is a sign of inexperience. If your working a hard crack project I see less of a difference cause you know the exact pieces that you'll use and where you'll put them. So it's fairly quick. Lastly sport and trad climing are fairly the same in the sense as you have to run it out till you get a rest and can place gear. Usually on sport climbs the clipping stance is a ok hold and on a trad climb a good jam. On a trad climb you don't place a piece in the middle of the crux unless your super strong or your not going to redpoint. There is a difference, but I beg to differ that once you get beyond moderate grades it's not as different as people think.
  15. I have the month of July off to climb without a partner so I’m looking to take a trip to either the Winds or the Bugs for a week or so. I’m probably looking at the somewhere around the second two weeks of July give or take a couple of days but the dates aren’t really important. I just have to be back on august 1st. If we are talking about the Bugs, I’ve been there twice and this time I'd really like to climb Sunshine Crack on Snowpatch and the Beckey-Chouinard on South Howser. I haven't done Surf's Up or Paddle flack yet either. I’m open to doing other routes as well. I’ve never been to the Winds, so I’d be cool with ticking off the classics and climbing as much as possible. Looking for somebody who is motivated, has alpine experience and can lead/follow fairly quickly. I’m pretty relaxed. I’m looking to have a good time and climb a lot. I’ve been climbing for a while now all over the place and besides pure frictions slabs, there is not much I can’t get up. I still have about three weeks until I get to the States but PM me if interested and we can chat.
  16. I think it realistic to say beginner looking for someone to tech them. A couple weeks ago I did a hard alpine rock route with a buddy of mine who has more motivation than experience. We had a great time. Both parties just have to make it clear where they stand.
  17. I've met a lot of good people on this site over the years and had some really good times. Also a couple bad ones, but I think that's normal. There is really nothing to complain about. You post looking for a partner and you get lucky or not. Speaking of which, I'll be coming back this summer looking to climb! Anyone up for the Bugaboos....ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,
  18. Hey whats up? How are you? I'm coming from Madrid to spend a couple of months in Seattle. July and August. we should hook up and do some climbing. I climbed with you at Index on the upper town wall a while ago. Tim Lawrence
  19. Actually it's really, really nice to have a 70m at Index. In terms of thin ropes and saving weight, I call bullshit on the entire thin rope deal. Sure they are nice. If you want to be a gear head, buy a thin rope and know why you bought it. If you wanna pretend that it's gonna help you redpoint or onsight, well go ahead and trick yourself. I've never heard anyone say, "well.....I blew the onsight cause my rope was to heavy". You fall cause your too fat, or have bad technique, or botch the sequence or you need to train harder or any number of other perfectly logical reasons. Mine this week is because I'm injured, which is painfully true. Gear doesn't make up for motivation. Although it is fun to buy. I made a 10.5/11mm x 70m mistake last summer. But that hasn't stopped me from putting down some of my hardest redpoints and onsights last fall and spring.
  20. Looks like I might be base camping in Olympia for a month or so this coming summer and I'm looking for things to do between trips. With the Olympics so close, I was wondering what are the best day climbs close to Olympia. Out of all the years I've climbed in Washington, I've never once climbed in the Olympics so I imagine that I've missed some good stuff. Thanks for any and all suggestions!
  21. Wow, nice suggestions. I hope to get out and get on some of that stuff when I come back this summer. What about El Gato Negro on Silverstar?
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