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Everything posted by admin

  1. Hey there, I'm new to this site as well as the NW and was wondering what the story on climbing St Helens is at the moment. Is it accessible, legal etc? I have a route book for cascade climbs, but is there a good route for an average climber this time of year? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Also I was looking to climb it this coming weekend (19th or 20th), so if anyone out there is up for it (or another climb if it's not doable) let me know. Thanks!
  2. front em up and suck em bish!
  3. "RICHARD, Are you watching spanktravision?"
  4. admin


  5. admin


    Joey Potter can have a moustache ride whenever she wants, saddle up lil lass!
  6. negative, the kingoffreshiez has the sharpest and most keen of spraying skillz, that of which includes being able to impersonate other less skilled sprayers, like ERIK
  7. i'm so there.
  8. Dan - lives in my basement, him and Jesus share a bunkbed down there
  9. admin


    chat room is open, lets hang out!
  10. consider it an opportunity to buy one of those new sexy Gecko's from Garmin, super small and light, but with all the features of an eTrex
  11. admin


    you are all so suck! how bout a picture of texplorer with "freshiez" written underneath it?
  13. admin

    I'm back!

    Yeah he was my roommate in junior college. Trask I take dumps bigger then you.
  14. admin

    I'm back!

    It's been a long 65 million years, but I'm back to show you fools a whole new world of in your face jurassic sprayfantastic.
  15. amber is with me now boys, she's too satisified to be emailing the lowness of gapertimmy
  16. it's fixed, crack addict, your presence on this site alone is a major waste of bandwidthand btw, the freshie cam is going no where!!!!! it will maintain its prime location on the main page, cuz, cuz, it's plab, and all you naysayers suck [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: king of freshies ]
  17. yet another great use for cc.com, teaching our next generaration how to read, and spray... pass it on.
  18. admin

    Trimming Down

    pope i think this thread is in the right forum
  19. Moving thread to the cascadeaccounting.com message board
  20. bumpin to top, who else is in, salliez?
  21. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: I'm looking forward to the Muir Hut report. LAF!
  22. the best trip i can suggest is taking the shuttle to Tuolomne, leave your ride in the valley, if the snow has melted. Start at Cathedral Lakes TH, hike to Cathedral Lakes, and then onto Clouds Rest. Spend night on top of Cloud's rest... amazing sunset/sunrise over valley, and sierra ridge perspecitvely. Then next day, hike out via Muir trail, and on the way down go up the cables on Half Dome.
  23. once again, I will try to get it started. I know there are some bretheren out there, but to help out the cause, I'm importing a few folks from the soggy puget sound region to help out, so here it goes. HEAR YE< HEAR YE< by the power vested me from the spray lord almighty caveman, i do by call an inagural meeting of the central oregon pub club, to be held on Saturday, February 16th, and eight pm in the evening at the Bend Brewery. who's in?
  24. i'm still a lurker err i mean gaper [ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: king of freshies ]
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