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Trad Climbers Land The Babes!


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erik said:

whadya mean?


dwyaner is now spraying under his 48654239865984265049875 avatar jkassidy!




Erik, listen up. I AIN'T DWAYNER! But I did a nice hike and took a Sauna Sausage with him just yesterday, and I interviewed him for his opinions on some of the nonsense one encounters on this site recently. He informed me that he had altogether stopped posting before he was banned. The notion that he logs on under some other name or "avatar" is mistaken. He hasn't logged on under another name in over a year, and he has no desire to do so. He said he would consider participating if he were invited back.


I personally feel that it isn't very classy when some of our moderators (not naming names 'cause I don't want Erik and Matt getting upset) suggest that Dwayner is logging on under some other mysterious name, just because the participant happens to agree with Dwayner (such as I do)....or when the contributor pays Dwayner a compliment (such as Chirp did). It is certainly less than classy when our moderators allow Dwayner to continually be attacked (by Cracked et al.) even though he hasn't had the opportunity to defend himself.


Guys, do your jobs. Get some class while you're at it.

Edited by jkassidy
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Dwayner should absolutely be allowed to post here. But, much like me, if he's spewing bullshit spray, it should be in spray. He's no elite fucker...just another voice.


Oh, and cracked is so "out there" that no one pays him any heed anymore. He's like a pile of dogshit you step in...can't wait to get a hose to clean it off.

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in response to your message i would say you are the one without class. i can think of two situations were you openly spoke with someone and then talked shit about them after they left, even using derogatory terms that you attempt to condone on the board. i see that as having no class. for a person whom has such an education i would think this type of behaviour would be above you, but after meeting you and listening to the shit that flows from your mouth i knew you are were/is and will be no better then the most vile sprayer here.


i used to hold you with some repsect but after these episodes and reading the shit you post in the name of "the right way" of climbing, i lost it all.


personally i would be glad if you never posted here again. i would glad if i never heard your name again. so why dont you act like an adult and just leave. you do not have to respond to me as i dont care what you have to say.


and this is all from erik, not a mod but me......


so please leave



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catbirdseat said:

Erik, if you are responding publicly to a private e-mail, then that is not kosher. At least let us know what it was he said.




thanks for the lesson in manners but i would not even respond to an email from don or any of his "friends"


and i will not repeat what he said as it is unimportant to the issue, if you were there then that is that...but my statement is all that needs to be said.



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catbirdseat said:

Erik, if you are responding publicly to a private e-mail, then that is not kosher. At least let us know what it was he said.


And he is also guilty of half the things he is accusing don of. rolleyes.gif


Since Jon and Tim gave him a license to make an ass out of himself he's proven it time and time again. He is busy making psuedo attacks and snide remarks here all the time. More personal than most of the "devilish sprayers" he seems to single out.

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yup prolly so ray

but me being a mod has nothing to do with what i think. i dont think i have ever threatend to kill anyone or harm them phyiscally so i really dont think you have much to stand on....


and dont worry kids you will all be rid of soon enough.



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erik said:

yup prolly so ray

but me being a mod has nothing to do with what i think. i dont think i have ever threatend to kill anyone or harm them phyiscally so i really dont think you have much to stand on....


and dont worry kids you will all be rid of soon enough.



I dont need anything to "stand on" to point out your shitty moderation. the_finger.gif

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well i dont and i am not going to.


i live my life the way i see fit....jon and tim asked me to help..i helped..i am now done with helping..


i have every right to spout off what i want....


cc.com is great but it does not direct the way i live my life.....


and ray since i agreed with you whats your point?



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and ray i have never erased a personal attacks towwards myself....please offer up some proof if you can and i will eat crow...


and i how have i not lived up to my actions?? what actions? everyone knows how to get hold of me.......





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erik said:

and ray i have never erased a personal attacks towwards myself....please offer up some proof if you can and i will eat crow...


and i how have i not lived up to my actions?? what actions? everyone knows how to get hold of me.......





Erik I am not able to come up with the removed posts and your instigations as well as completely out of line comments. You know what they are and when they happened. Accept them or try to forget them is up to you.


If you dont understand what I read then keep smoking your weed and your brain will be soup.

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