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Cutting in Icicle Creek Canyon


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"While benefits are often reaped by a few (logging mills, etc) the costs are distributed to the public via destruction of habitat, streams, places to hike, etc."


*someone* is paying for those logs, and they most certainly find they have personal value, or else they wouldn't pay for them. It's impossible for something being sold in a marketplace, to only have value to the producer, or it wouldn't sell in the first place. Selling something only happens when someone else finds value in what is produced.


The benefits of cutting that timber is distributed to each person who decides to trade their labor (money) for the product in question. Looking only at who gets money in a trade is a very popular argument for folks looking to claim only producers benefit, but it ignores the value represented by those who decided to pay for something they'd rather have than the dollar in their pocket.

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Well if you're using the economics of the market place then the one thing you're ignoring is that the true cost is not accounted for. Timber sales lose money. The USFS subsidizes the timber industry. If it's a true free market then private interests should carry the true cost of the timber and the cost of clean up of the mess. That doesn't happen. The cost of the sale are generalized to the public through the USFS and the cost of to public land, yours and mine, is distributed to all of us, not the generator of the problem.

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yes and in the process he forgot to mention that winning a political contest with significantly less than 50% participation cannot confer any legitimacy to perform rollbacks and take decisions in spite of public opinion. These are truly the policies wanted by a minority.

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