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infinite bitch'n question


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thinking of the ultimate link up this week, a pure merging of lame-aid w/ ghey-sport-wanking - liberty crack n' infinite bliss - no problems w/ liberty of course, as i'm good n' fat like all aid climbers oughta be already, but this sport shit, man! i ain't got no lcrya n' all my draws are skerry faded dyneemas - my question: if'n i'm too chubby to get through the .10 pitches, how easy to french'em? :)

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thinking of the ultimate link up this week, a pure merging of lame-aid w/ ghey-sport-wanking - liberty crack n' infinite bliss - no problems w/ liberty of course, as i'm good n' fat like all aid climbers oughta be already, but this sport shit, man! i ain't got no lcrya n' all my draws are skerry faded dyneemas - my question: if'n i'm too chubby to get through the .10 pitches, how easy to french'em? :)




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"5.10" pitches on IB are fun and soft for the grade, and you're more in danger of z-clipping than having to break out the cheater stick for aiding.

It's key to be first on the route and go at night or on a cloudy day to avoid cooking in the S facing sun (though you survived Yos at 90+ so this will be a cake walk).


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nah, i can ask for all the advice i want on the internet and it won't matter, 'cuz i'll usually be wildly intoxicated and incapable of remembering anything soon thereafter anyhows - the initial question was just important for sorting out the quantity and variety of said intoxicant to be required :brew::)

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