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Will 3-D printers change the world?


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I'm still waiting for the 2D printers to work properly most of the time and for the speed of light to express itself in all computing. Mysteriously 186,000 miles per second becomes 186,000 nanometers per second in my computer.


Tech breakthroughs apparently are in hacking and infecting rather than printing. It can only get worse in 3-D.

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3-D Printing: because the world doesn't have enough cheap plastic crap already


Folks are always all excited about this stuff on boing boing, but when you look at it they're talking about plastic train replicas and how to smooth a little plastic animal figurine. I don't need a 3-D printer, what I need is a toaster that won't burn whatever I put in it.

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3D printing has been around for decades. It's always been limited to a very few materials - mostly plastics of a pretty generic nature. It's a slow process. Real slow. I've completed only several toes of my first Tvashbot after hundreds of hours of printing. The highly irregular toenails were extremely difficult to get right.


Nanobots and bioengineered self replicating systems will pass 3 D printers by they were standing still, which is about as fast as they ever move on a good day.


The buzz around 3 D printers has more to do with Twitter than technology, really. Other than finer resolution and an open source design for the printers themselves (hyper geeks only), there's very little new under the sun here.

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