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Killer toys for Christmas


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As far as good books for adults (assuming here that you don't mean "adult books"), try:


Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

The Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle

The Lord of the Rings box set (there's gotta be one) by JRR Tolkien

Stupid White Men by Michael Moore is supposed to be good, although DFA hasn't read it yet


For the kids, how about some new handguns or rifles? Draft them into your own private home-protection army, so to speak?


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Zoinks! That is pricey merchandise. It's a kick reading the reviews at stereophile.com for the high-end shit. There was one for a Boulder Amps phono stage that was something like 17,000 clams. That was just the phono stage, mind you; you still need the preamp that they also reviewed, which was another $23,000. Seems just a tad excessive; but then again, the reviewer was practically babbling nonstop superlatives. Just sell the house, and you'd have a hell of a hi-fi system to rock your cardboard box!

Edited by Dr_Flash_Amazing
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That's pretty much DFA's opinion. Although, after being totally floored by a $20k system at the local audio store (an excellent joint staffed by folks just as happy to sell you a $300 CD player as a $3,000 interconnect -- but never pushing you to buy anything: www.stereotypesaudio.com), the Doctor was considering trading in his car on the spot and spending the rest of his days sitting on the couch spinning CDs.


One of the fellows at Stereotypes is a rep for Plinius, who makes rather pricey gear as well, and apparently he was dealing with some dude who'd retired from Microsoft who bought five $8,000 power amps, one for each channel of his home theatre system. Total madness right there; money to burn in full effect.

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Those crazy Microsofties! fruit.gif


Before 9/11 and the subsequent stock market crash, rich, young Microsoft couples would buy yacht insurance from me. Their boats ranged from $500,000 on up and were always paid for in cash. Typically these gumbies had NO prior boating experience at all, let alone running 50' motor yachts. Goddamn ridicules. But I might add, their money spent just fine. bigdrink.gif

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