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paranoid yet?


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Where was Janet Reno's "Justice Dept" when environmentalist-fundamentalists were burning down research labs, private homes, and ski resorts? Where was your outrage? You don't think JR's(and her boss's) personal beliefs maybe had something to do with the lack of interest she displayed while the property of others was destroyed? Again; where was your outrage?

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I don't know, where you watching me when those activities took place? Where was your outrage? I don't think you were yelling at Reno to get her ass over to the PNW to deal with it. Maybe there even was a serious federal investigation if all of these activities were linked togehter, I simply don't know. Thanks for the judgement of my opinions in advance of even knowing them though. I was certainly outraged when ELF sabotaged the GMO Poplar crop at Oregon State. I don't think Reno's personal beliefs had anything to do with any inaction on the justice department. Frankly, I don't think Janet Reno gives a crap about PNW forests one way or the other, and any inaction was simply due to indifference. You're pigeonholing as usual.

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not "pigeonholing", just pointing out your usual one sided judgements. You honestly don't see that the very thing you acuse Ashcroft of doing is the same thing Reno did? That is, allowing at either a conscious or unconscious level, their personal "leanings" to frame the way they execute their duties?

What about RFK? You suppose his judgement was clouded by his strict Catholic upbringing? Gimme a break.





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Hey Fairweather,

I'm not one-sided on this---Reno was absolutely awful. But I don't believe in martyrdom, and RFK was no great shakes either. Most of us were kids (or not alive) back then; from what I have read, Bobby was quite the operative for his brother in his job, and not exactly acting as the preserver of freedoms.

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Of course people make decisions based on their "learnings". My point is that Ashcroft's "learnings" are so far out of the mainstream of this country that it is generating a lot of apprehension. I can put up with a conservative in the the attorney general's office, I might not like it all the time but I can live with it. But Ashcroft appears, through his quotes and actions in the past, to be living in the dark ages. I think there are much more appropriate people for the position. Again, the man is basically Pat Robertson, and that terrifies a lot of people.

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there is plenty of objective evidence that slavery is wrong





Let's have it.



ok shocked.gif


without going into details, do slaves willfully accept their condition? no. Do they think their condition is wrong? yes. Would you think it wrong if put in their place? yes. Do slaves need to refer to moral values to declare their situation wrong? No. So why should you need to refer to morality to oppose abuse of fundamental rights? rights of the individual are not an abstract idea that one can relatively agree with or not. They are fact.

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