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memorial day y'all


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please take a moment to think about the 2 million folks (number from NPR this morning) who have given their lives in the various wars, conflicts and police and rescue activities to protect our freedom.


may they all rest in peace and never be forgotten.

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Thanks Gene. I am thankful.


Sometimes I think we should have a day or moment of silence to remember, and perhaps even ask forgiveness from, all the souls we snuffed out in the name of (fill in your favorite cause).


Today, I found myself explaining to my 8yo son that native americans who want to govern themselves live in small reservations because we killed most of their ancestors with disease and weapons and took away the land they watched over for thousands of years. Sorry doesn't seem strong enough.

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There is a tradition in the military that I just learned about yesterday here at FOB Walton. It is called The Lone Table. It's a round table, set for one, at which no one sits. On it is a plate, a glass, and a vase. I'll let the pic tell the rest of the story...



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do southerners who fought to enslave blacks get to be memorialized? americans who fought to do the same to the phillipines?


memorial day seems best observed to me by arguing over the aforementionged grilled food about these questions...

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do southerners who fought to enslave blacks get to be memorialized? americans who fought to do the same to the phillipines?


memorial day seems best observed to me by arguing over the aforementionged grilled food about these questions...


Do you remember Vietnam and the War of 1812, too?


The Arrogant Worms: Canada's Johnny Horton





Edited by bstach
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