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Secret Crags.....


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Been privy to the knowledge of secret crags. Never had my OWN secret crag. But I think they are stupid. I was at a so called secret crag this last weekend. There were three parties at the secret crag and none at the non so secret crag next door. I think that by calling it a secret it makes it more desirous so go climbing there.


I also think that secret crags are a way of discriminating against people whom you dont like. But that is stupid cause how often have I ran into a climber that I didn't like on the internet actually climbing outside....NEVER.


Just my two cents.

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Been privy to the knowledge of secret crags. Never had my OWN secret crag. But I think they are stupid. I was at a so called secret crag this last weekend. There were three parties at the secret crag and none at the non so secret crag next door. I think that by calling it a secret it makes it more desirous so go climbing there.


I also think that secret crags are a way of discriminating against people whom you dont like. But that is stupid cause how often have I ran into a climber that I didn't like on the internet actually climbing outside....NEVER.


Just my two cents.


agreed! and i also hate when my buddies won't let me fuck their wives, fucking bullshit ;)


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Whoever says sent these lines should have some respect for history. I sent all these lines in the 1970s, and it is beneath me to report it. All routes were at least 2 grades lower than listed here, and I climbed them all with passive pro only, often with homemade nuts and hemp rope, which we smoked after each ascent.


Gravity has had her way with this mighty crag, back then she was at least 17.5 feet above sea level, which made most of the climbs Grade III affairs.


Oh, and I did all these in converse allstars, though I may have had EBs for the final few.



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back before they invented 'the icicle', dirt piles were all we had...and the Pinnacles. I'm still puzzled why my climbing friends always want to head up the icicle before we've climbed the dirt pile out.



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It's like this classic song Bryan. Older than dirt perhaps, still germane. Hope the info was useful.







Oly sent this in the 60's




TILT!!!! Tilting the camera to make it look hard has been happening for years.





Hey Lucky G -sorry dude, it's just a big MFing ground squirrel that wants to be a gopher when it grows up and it's sayin', "I sent that RIGHT after I built it beotches!"







Shhhh, secret Oregon project, still virgin:-)




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