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Republicans have hit a new low


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Ron Paul fully supports this bill!


Of course he does, he's a republican!


So is Obama. :crazy:


No kidding. I have a working theory that the republican party has introduced such retarded candidates because they actually want Obama to get re-elected. It's the perfect strategy -- Obama gives the republicans what they want, but stifles opposition by pretending to be a democrat.


I mean, if Romney was elected, the gravy train would stop, wouldn't it? Suddenly the dems would be free to oppose the executive again.

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No kidding. I have a working theory that the republican party has introduced such retarded candidates because they actually want Obama to get re-elected. It's the perfect strategy -- Obama gives the republicans what they want, but stifles opposition by pretending to be a democrat.


I mean, if Romney was elected, the gravy train would stop, wouldn't it? Suddenly the dems would be free to oppose the executive again.


Mitt is actually a Democrat pretending to be an R. He's the dem's only hope to get the Republican out of the White House. Repulicans sense this instinctively and that's why Mitt fails to close the deal.

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Mitt is actually a Democrat pretending to be an R. He's the dem's only hope to get the Republican out of the White House. Repulicans sense this instinctively and that's why Mitt fails to close the deal.



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the only part I can't figure out is why the republicans in congress are opposing Obama. They should LOVE this guy.


I guess it makes sense. I suppose they have to keep the act believable for the hoi polloi, or the whole thing would unravel

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mitt Romney is a robot pretending to be a human.


The best thing about this batch of Republicans is that for once the Dems won't be hurt by their astonishing incapability to grasp the fundamentals of marketing messages. This year, the Republican primary debates can just be aired, unedited and without comment, and that should sufficiently scare the shit out of any non-Mitt Romney living creature.

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Same nutjobs , different bill:


Citing conspiracy theories about “a one-world order,” the Arizona Tea Party is attempting to slip a bill through the legislature that could strip programs designed to help residents in the state become more energy efficient.


The bill’s sponsor, Arizona State Senator Judy Burges, says her goal is to wipe out any environmental program administered or funded by the government to prevent “social engineering … including where we live, what we eat.”


Burges’ bill, Senate Bill 1507, is based upon an unfounded conspiracy theory about “Agenda 21,” a non-binding international plan for environmentally-sustainable development crafted by the United Nations. The plan was adopted in 1992 by 178 countries, including the United States under the George H.W. Bush administration.


Burges and other members of the Tea Party believe that clean energy programs in Arizona are a plot by the United Nations to create a single world government in order to control people’s lives.... The Arizona conspiracy bill has already moved through the Senate, through a House committee, and is now set for discussion on the House floor.


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