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Osama Bin Shittin in the water tank.

It's a conspiracy to deny middle-aged 'mericans from putting on a few pounds during their vacation. Those terrorists have no idea what hell is. Now those angry Republican contributors will start calling their congressman complaining that granny is shitting blood cause Ridge has been sleeping on the job. Code orange, people.

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Maybe it was the Rajhneeshis and their wacky spray bottles of, what was it, e coli again?

salmonella, actually. Aren't you from Antelope or wherever it was, DFA? Good thing they didnt target the Golden Trough. They could have crippled the climbing elite of the early 90s! [Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by chucK:

Dudes! There is certainly the possibility of terrorism in this incident. And even if it wasn't, I think
just to be safe
we should invade Iraq, drill the ANWR, bail out Enron, and repeal the first ammendment.

Quit whining. You sound like a bitch. You probably voted for Bush anyway [laf]

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